- water content;moisture content;primage

(1) [water content]∶存在于雪样(或土样)中的液态水,往往用重量百分数计。以水当量百分数计的含水量等于100减去雪量
(2) [moisture content]∶一堆土、一潭污水、一堆淤泥或一批筛余物所含的水量,通常用总重量中所含水分重量的百分比表示
There was significant positive correlation among soil moisture content and N , P , K content of + 1 leaf .
The calculation for the equilibrium moisture content of food materials with a high moisture content by the BP ANN technique is presented .
Relationship between CT value and brain tissue water content in brain edema
A GIS Based Remote Sensing Method for Underground Soil Moisture Test
A GIS Based Remote Sensing Method for Soil Moisture Inversion and Change Law in Mining Areas
Time Domain Reflectometry ( TDR ) is becoming a widely used method to measure soil volumetric water content .
Research on Emulation of Distributional Law of Soil Water Contents in Various Stands of Small Watershed Based on RS & GIS
Discussion on Factors Influencing Moisture Measurement of SF_6 Gas
The Effect of Electroacupuncture on the Water Content of and SOD Level in Brain Tissue in the Acute Stage of Cerebral Hemorrhage
Results The functions of lung in group ⅱ was significantly better than in the group I ( P < 0.01 ) .
The protein of SDS-PAGE bands were almost the same in spinach seeds of different moisture content .
The cerebral water content was measured by dry-wet weight method and blood sugar was detected dynamically .
Contents of mid - element and micro - element Ca , Mg , Cu and Mn in summer maize were studied by control different water of soil .
In addition , rainfall-erosion with crust soil is related with the earlier stage water content ( C ), sloping degree ( S ) and rainfall power ( PI ) .
Water content of brain tissue showed an apparent increase at 6 hour and persisted until 24 hour .
The optimal soil water content was 8 ~ 13 % and the highest NaCl tolerance concentration was 1.2 % for seed germination .
The latency of SEP ( 2 d , 3 d ) were prolonged significantly ( P < 0.01 ) and brain water content increased significantly ( P < 0.01 );
In this paper , uncertainty in hydrological simulation is studied by altering antecedent soil water content parameters of the distributed hydrology model .
~ 10 % water content is the saturate point of absorptive water of MSE conceivably .
It was found that organic solvent , surfactant , and water content ( Wo ) have great impact on the catalysis behaviors of enzyme in reverse micelle systems .
The results showed that the optimal fermenting condition was the 50 % of water content , the 1 % of inoculation amount , the bran as assistant material , and 7 of pH value .
Effect of water content in soil samples on the γ detection efficiency for HPGe γ spectrometer
The first axis of DCA indicates the water gradient of soil while the second axis changes of soil type .
Luring occlusion , increased water content and decreased activities of Na + , K + - ATPase and SOD were observed .
The results indicated that under the stress of 0 . 3 % NaCl , the dry matter weight , plasmalemma permeability and MDA content slightly increased but the water content slightly declined ;
A consistent and linear increase in electron transport system ( ETS ) activity and phenol contents was recorded with increasing moisture level .
At soil water content 60 % ~ 75 % field water capacity ( θ F ), the transpiration rate and photosynthetic rate of plants were higher then others , and the prophase yields were the highest .
The incubation tests were conducted with upland soil and flooded paddy soil under different soil water conditions . The mitigation effect of the tested fertilizers on the emission of N_2O and CH_4 were studied .
Ligating and snipping both common carotids was used to make acute incomplete cerebral ischemia model in rats . After 3 hours , the postoperative rats were executed .
FA-C was lowest under middle water , low CO2 and high O2 . The above results indicated that HE-C , HA-C , FA-C and Hu-C were different under different conditions of incubation .