
hán shuǐ céng
  • aquifer;water-bearing stratum;aquiclude
含水层[hán shuǐ céng]
  1. 干河煤矿清理斜巷K2灰岩高压含水层预注浆施工技术

    Pregrouting in K2 Calcareous Rock Water-Bearing Stratum of Gan he Coal Mine Slanting Lane

  2. 桃园矿底部含水层水文地质特征分析

    Base Water-bearing Stratum Hydrology Geological Feature Analysis of Taoyuan Coal Mine

  3. 结果表明:吸附与生物降解作用是影响硝基苯在含水层中迁移转化的主要因素。

    The experimental result indicated that adsorption and biodegradation actions are the main effecting factors in this study .

  4. 含水层的水含过30%

    Aquifers have water contents over 30 % .

  5. 基于GIS的孔隙含水层系统三维空间离散方法研究

    Study of spatial three-dimensional divergent method of pore aquifer system based on GIS

  6. 为说明BP神经网络求含水层参数的原理,本文以文献数据给出了基于非稳定流抽水试验的BP神经网络求承压含水层参数的过程。

    The procedures of determining confined aquifer parameters by BP neural network were introduced .

  7. BP网络在研究地下水咸淡水界面波动中的应用&以长江河口地区第二承压含水层为例

    Applied BP Network to Study Groundwater Interface Fluctuation & Example from the 2nd Confined Aquifers in the Changjiang Estuary

  8. 基于DRASTIC模型含水层易污染性模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model for assessing groundwater vulnerability based on the DRASTIC system

  9. Jacob假定下含水层的储水率及其地面沉降机理意义

    Specific storage under Jacob assumptions and significance of its land subsidence mechanism

  10. 第二部分就含水层的赋存状态(含水层深度、含水量)和NMR的关系进行了探讨。

    The second part discussed the relation between water bearing strata status ( water bearing strata depth ? moisture content ) and NMR .

  11. 利用松花江河谷的承压水井抽水试验资料和洮儿河扇形地27个潜水抽水井及其观测孔的抽水试验资料,应用直线图解法分析计算,得到唯一的含水层参数T、K和R。

    The pumping test data from the confined wells in the Songhua River valley plain and 27 unconfined wells and observation wells in the Tao'er River fan are analyzed .

  12. 东南沿海和华南大部,应考虑利用近海沉积盆地内的咸水含水层储存CO2。

    In southeast coastal area and South China , CO2 can be stored in the brine aquifer of sedimentary basins located on the continental shelf .

  13. 沉积盆地地下深部存在体积巨大的咸水含水层,咸水不宜开发利用,可用来储存大量的CO2。

    The enormous saline aquifers deeply buried in the sedimentary basins are saturated with high concentration dissolved solids , which make groundwater unsuitable to any large-scale exploitation .

  14. TCE运移的计算机模拟&某碳酸盐岩含水层中地下水有机污染及其去除研究之二

    Study of Groundwater Contamination in a Carbonate Aquifer and Remediation 2.Computer Simulation for TCE Transport

  15. GCMS分析表明,活性炭吸附可降低有机物含量,再经土壤含水层处理,大部分有机物及优先控制的污染物可被去除。

    GC / MS analysis showed that GAC adsorption could reduce the concentration of organic compounds . After SAT , most organic compounds and priority-control compounds could be eliminated .

  16. 为使含水层导水性相近,将含水层按岩性分为A类(砾石-砂砾石类)、B类(砂砾石、砂类)和C类(砂类);

    In order to ensure the similar permeability , the water-bearing beds are classified by lithological character , which are A ( gravel , sand gravel ), B ( sand-gravel , sand ) and C ( sand ) .

  17. 含水层埋深在200m以下的,为深层古水,更新能力较差。

    The groundwater buring under more than 200m was the deep ancient groundwater and its renewability was weak .

  18. 分析了目前国外地下水易污染性评价中广泛采用的DRASTIC模型中存在的主要问题,将含水层易污染性定义为模糊概念;

    Main problems in DRASTIC system , which is widely used abroad , are discussed . This paper takes vulnerability of aquifer as fuzzy concept .

  19. 改进的Theis井流模型及其解析解&考虑含水层顶板的挠曲作用

    Analysis of Modified Theis Model on Well Flow : Considering Bending of the Confining Stratum

  20. 首采区范围内10煤下方约50m以下为太原群多层灰岩岩溶含水层,其岩溶发育。

    The Taiyuan formation limestone aquifer abounds karst , which below 50 meters under coalbed NO.10 in the first mining district .

  21. 以DRASTIC模型为基础,建立了评价含水层污染性难易程度的模糊分析理论与方法,并将其应用于沧州市区地下水系统脆弱性评价。

    Based on the DRASTIC model , the fuzzy analysis theory and method which are suitable for evaluating aquifer vulnerability are established and have been used in Cangzhou City .

  22. 新生界松散岩类孔隙含水层系统和石炭系-侏罗系碎屑岩类裂隙含水层系统的交替循环深度较小(一般小于300m)。

    The Cenozoic groundwater system and the clastic fissure groundwater system in Carboniferous and Jurassic have shallow circulation depth ( less than 300m ) .

  23. 利用Cooper等人推导的井-含水层系统放大因子表达式,分析了井-含水层系统的特征参数与前驱波响应能力之间的关系。

    The relationship between characteristic parameters of well-aquifer system and responding ability to precursors is analyzed by the expression of amplification factor of well-aquifer system induced by Cooper et al .

  24. 以上海市区第V承压含水层(埋深约350m)以上的整个第四系松散沉积层为研究体,将上海地下水系统作为一个完整且不可分割的系统来研究。

    Taking the sediment of the Quaternary system above the 5th confined aquifer , 350m under the ground around Shanghai city , as the target body to be studied as whole system for groundwater .

  25. 作者在收集已有观测井地下水位资料的基础上,利用人工神经网络技术中的动量BP算法对上海地区第Ⅲ承压含水层的地下水水位进行了动态预测,结果表明,该法具有较高的预测精度。

    Based on collected data of wells , regime prediction of the groundwater level of wells in the 3rd confined aquifer in Shanghai area has been developed using momentum BP algorithm of artificial neural network . The result indicates that it has higher precision on prediction .

  26. 研究纵深为300m。在垂向上划分为一个非承压含水层和两个承压含水层。其中第一承压含水层为主要开采层。

    The depth considered here is 300m . In the vertical direction , a unconfined aquifer and two confined aquifers is divided , and the first confined aquifer is treated as the main exploration formation .

  27. 研究了第四系底部黏土层在水体下采煤中的作用,认识到当底黏厚度大于3m时,上部含水层对工作面充水量很小。

    The functions of clay layer under Quaternary in under-water mining is studied , and when thickness of clay layer is larger than 3m , work face water inrush quantity is very little from upper water bearing layer .

  28. 在受垂向入渗影响及河渠边界控制的半无限含水层中,利用作者已推导出的潜水非稳定渗流模型的新Laplace解,建立不同水文地质条件下的模型参数求解方法。

    A new analytic solution of unsteady flow for semi-infinite phreatic aquifer subjected to vertical seepage and bounded by a channel is deduced by applying the Laplace transformation . The methods for estimating the aquifer parameters corresponding to different hydrogeological conditions are proposed .

  29. 百善煤矿主采煤层上方直接覆盖有22~27m的砂砾石含水层,严重威胁矿井的安全生产。

    The main target coal seam of Baishan Mine is directly covered with a 22 ~ 27 m thick gravel aquifer , which seriously threatens the safety of mine .

  30. 1997年在国际水文地质学家协会(IAH)中设立了跨界含水层资源管理专业委员会。

    In 1997 the International Association of Hydrogeologists has established a professional committee on Transboundary Aquifers Resources Management to promote their study and joint international cooperation .