
  1. 安钢系统节能优化用能降低吨钢综合能耗

    Systematic energy saving and optimization to reduce comprehensive energy consumption per ton steel

  2. 用灰色系统对吨钢综合能耗进行分析及预测

    Analysis and forecast for integrate energy consumption per ton crude steel by grey system

  3. 降低钢铁联合企业吨钢综合能耗的几条途径

    Methods of reducing energy consumption per ton steel for iron and steel integrated enterprise

  4. 生产工艺结构变化对吨钢综合能耗的影响

    The comprehensive energy consumption per ton of steel influenced by technological process and structure

  5. 吨钢综合能耗对比剖析方法的探讨

    Discussion on the method of contrast and analysis about comprehensive energy-consumption of per ton steel

  6. 线性回归模型在吨钢综合能耗分析中的应用

    Application of the Linear Regression Model in the Analysis of the Comprehensive Energy Consumption of Ton-steel

  7. 本文建立了钢铁企业能耗瓶颈诊断模型,分别用钢比系数和工序能耗衡量物质流和能量流,将吨钢综合能耗的变化分解为钢比系数的变化和工序能耗的变化。

    The model uses steel ratio and process energy consumption to measure the material flows and energy flows , respectively .

  8. 通过对青钢能源现状的分析,探讨了青钢进一步降低吨钢综合能耗的主要潜力和措施。

    Through analyzing energy situation , the main potentialities and measures for reducing the comprehensive energy consumption per ton steel in Qinggang are discussed .

  9. 预测结果表明,我国钢铁工业(系统内)2000年和2010年吨钢综合能耗分别为1273和1030kg标煤。

    Using the energy prediction model , the energy consumption of Chinese steel industry in the year 2000 and 2010 is predicted to be 1273 and 1030 kgce / t steel respectively .

  10. 十年多来,我国一直用吨钢综合能耗和吨钢可比能耗来评价钢铁工业和企业节能工作的进展情况。

    In the past 10 years or more , the comprehensive energy consump-tion and the comparable energy consumption per ton steel have been adopted to evaluate development of energy-saving work of iron and steel industry and enterprises .

  11. 针对钢铁联合企业的现状,详述了降低吨钢综合能耗的几条途径:(1)注意均衡生产,搞好上下工序生产能力的配套;

    According to the status of iron and steel integrated enterprise in China , the ways of reducing energy consumption per ton steel are pointed out : 1 . better coordination between two connected up and down-stream steps in processing productivity ;

  12. 我国1997年粗钢产量超亿吨,居世界第一,但吨钢综合能耗比发达国家平均高20~40%。

    In 1997 , the Output of Crude steel in our country exceeded a hundred million tons , the biggest of the whole world , hut the combined energy consumption per ton steel is averagely 20 - 40 % higher than the developed countries .

  13. 1999年韶钢节能工作取得了显著的成绩,吨钢综合能耗和吨钢可比能耗再创历史新低,同比降低15.7%和16.9%。

    An appreciable energy saving was attained at SGIS in 1999 , with both the gross and comparable energy consumptions per ton of steel reduced by 15.6 and 16.9 percent respectively , as compared to last year 's levels , and reaching the lowest in the history of SGIS .