- 动Xiang Rong;on the road to prosperity;making progress

[flower;thrive;prosperous;grow luxuriantly] 滋长茂盛
木欣欣以向荣。--晋. 陶渊明《归去来兮辞》
Trees are thriving and vigorous , while springs flow murmuring and look marvelous .
The economies of emerging markets in Asia and the Middle East are still chugging along , but analysts are cutting growth forecasts for them too .
Out of one of them came forth a rather small horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south , toward the east , and toward the Beautiful Land .
While China 's largest hardware brands and booming Internet companies tend to attract media attention , the country also has huge numbers of companies that support the electronics supply chain .
It travels from La Belle Epoque to the period called " Les ann é es folles "( 1919-1929 ), the joyful period of restoration in between the two World Wars in France .
After Chinese reform and opening-up , the economy gradually showing a thriving face , at the same time , grow with each passing day and the Chinese housing mortgage loan market and commercial banks in the housing mortgage loan pressure .