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  1. 双向载荷下PVC涂层双轴向经编织物有限元分析

    Finite element simulation of PVC coated biaxial warp knitted fabric under biaxial loads

  2. 定期向经批准的理事会支付补助金。

    Regular guaranteed payments of grants for approved councils duly followed .

  3. 我向经理发牢骚,他很宽容。

    I complained to the manager and he was very nice about it .

  4. 多向载荷下PVC/双轴向经编织物的开缝撕裂性能

    Precracked tearing properties of PVC / biaxial warp knitted fabric under multiaxial loads

  5. 双向拉伸载荷下双轴向经编织物增强柔性复合材料开缝撕裂性能研究

    Precracked tearing properties of flexible composites reinforced with biaxial warp knitted fabric under biaxial loads

  6. 进入汉代,《尚书》逐渐完成了由历史典籍向经世大典的转变。

    Shang shu finished the change from the history documents to the grand classics gradually in Han dynasty .

  7. 垂向经σ坐标变换后简化了海底和自由表面的边界条件。

    Because the vertical coordinate is transformed by a σ transformation , the boundary conditions of bottom and surface are simplified .

  8. 一个面向小企业的循环贷款基金,可以向经检验可靠的企业提供资金,帮助重启增长引擎。

    A revolving loan fund for small businesses could provide money to proven enterprises , to help restart the engines of growth .

  9. 收到请购单或初步信息后,采购经理将向经认可的供应商发出详细要求,并随附报价要求书。

    On receipt of the PR or preliminary information , the Procurement Manager will issue details of requirements to suitably approved vendors with a request for quotation .

  10. 河流最大下切深度达&133m,古长江水系向北东方向经对马海峡和朝鲜海峡流入日本海。

    The downcutting depth of rivers was up to & 133m . Palaeo-Yangtze River system flowed northeastwards into the Sea of Japan through the Tsushima and Korean straits .

  11. 1例CT检查显示滑膜软骨瘤病向上经颞骨关节面侵犯颅内(大脑颞叶脑膜)。

    One lesion with intracranial involvement through the dura of temporal lobe of cerebrum was noticed by CT .

  12. 随着Internet的不断发展,信息过载和资源迷向己经成为制约人们高效使用Internet信息的瓶颈。

    Along with the constant development of the Internet , information overload fans to their own resources and people on the efficient use of the Internet has become the information bottleneck .

  13. 如果向未经授权的来源泄漏这些信息,可能会造成潜在的安全风险。

    Revealing this information to unauthorized sources could pose a potential security risk .

  14. 英国最长的河流;向东流经伦敦,流入北海。

    The longest river in England ; flows eastward through London to the North Sea .

  15. 颈部血管肉瘤1例,向上经茎突后内侧累及咽旁区;

    One case of cervical hemangiosarcoma extended upward to invade para-nasopharynx through the posteromedial aspect of styloid process ;

  16. 质量流函数(ψ)是直观、定量描述纬向平均经圈环流的物理量。

    Mass stream functions (ψ) is a physical quantity describing mean meridional circulation ( MMC ) directly and quantitatively .

  17. 结论结肠代食管术为治疗儿童食管严重瘢痕狭窄的理想方法。取结肠左动脉供血、横结肠顺蠕动向、经前纵隔上提作结肠与下咽或颈食管端端吻合术。

    Conclusions Colon replacement of esophagus is an ideal method for treating severe cicatricial stricture of esophagus in children .

  18. 见有汞异常浓度由沉积物向上经底层、表层海水到海面大气渐次降低的趋势。

    The trend of decrease in mercury content is seen from sediments upwards to bottom seawater , surface seawater , and sea-surface air .

  19. 对干涉光强输出信息的条纹计数办法和液位升降判向,经研究和分析分别提出实用的硬件电路设计方案和计算机软件处理办法;

    Thirdly , both the hardware electronics design scheme and the software treatment methods were developed to count the fringe and determine the up and down of the liquid level .

  20. 它们不只追踪创造文件分享软件的人,同时也向未经许可就从网络下载歌曲的个人施压。

    Not only are they going after the creators of file sharing software , but they 're also putting the squeeze on individuals who 've downloaded songs from the Internet without permission .

  21. 沙漠地带向东延伸经阿拉伯而至中亚。

    Desert land stretches eastward across Arabia into Central Asia .

  22. 指出纬向梯度、经向梯度、全梯度矢量的昼夜变化与季节特性。

    The latitudinal and longitudinal gradients , their diurnal variations and seasonal characteristics are dealt with .

  23. 对方案中阶数巨大的背景场误差协方差矩阵加以处理,选用位势高度和风场非平衡部分的纬向风速、经向风速作为分析变量,减少矩阵阶数;

    To deal with the covariance matrix of background errors B , three skills are used .

  24. 在给定热源与大型水平湍流影响下自由大气中的平均纬向风速与经圈环流

    The distribution of mean zonal wind and meridional circulation in the free atmosphere under the influence of given heat source and large scale mixing processes

  25. 第十五条环境影响评价工程师职业资格登记管理机构应定期向社会公布经登记人员的情况。

    Article Fifteen The Institution in charge of the professional qualification registration of EIA Engineer should release the information on registered engineers periodically to the public .

  26. 自由大气中环流主要是纬向的,经向性很弱。

    The circulation of the free atmosphere is predominantly ( largely ) zonal and only to a slight extent ( to a less degree ) meridional .

  27. 每一方应提交帐目报表格式向对方,经双方同意或经双方双方随后同意修订。

    Each party shall submit statements of account to the other party based on a format agreed by both parties or as amended by consent of both parties hereto subsequently .

  28. 支付任何合同款项前,承包商应向业主提交经乌兹别克斯坦共和国国家税务机构核准的免税申请。

    Prior to making any payments under this contract , the Contractor shall submit a tax exemption application certified by the state tax authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the customer .

  29. 此外,利用Eu和Ev矢量讨论了高频波对纬向平均流和经向平均流的反馈强迫作用。

    The forcing role of the band-pass eddies on the time-mean zonal and meridional flows is also examined by use of vectors Eu and Ev .

  30. 激光束模式较好时,系统接收到了7.8km处房屋的后向散射信号,经扫频窄带滤波后,信号具有较高的信噪比,此时激光器输出功率约为5W。

    The backscattered signals from buildings at 7.8 km are obtained with a fairly good SNR when the laser output is about 5 W.