
  • 网络Back kick;kick back;Dui-chagi
  1. 他们常常下课后踢足球和做作业。

    They often play football and do their homework after class .

  2. 我经常和我的朋友在放学后踢足球。

    My friend and I USED TO PLAY football after school .

  3. 我不喜欢晚饭后踢足球。

    I don 't like to play football after supper .

  4. 有时,我们在下午放学后踢足球。

    Sometimes we play football after class in the afternoon .

  5. 男孩子们每天下午放学后踢足球。

    The boys play football after school every day .

  6. 我的同伙想在下学后踢足球。

    My friends want to play soccer afterschool .

  7. 然后两条腿轮流做后踢动作,同时背书中人物的名字,越多越好。

    Then recite as many characters from the book as you can while completing leg kickbacks for each leg .

  8. 自2003年起,通过掷硬币来给一位队长机会,让他选择先踢还是后踢。

    Since 2003 , a coin-toss has given one captain the chance to choose whether to go first or second .

  9. 无可否认,史密斯在伤愈回来后踢得很出色,他的到来给了球队很多鼓励,因为他是个奋斗者。

    " There is no doubt Alan did fantastically well for us when he came back last season . " He gave the team a spiritual lift and because he is such a fighter , he was an inspiration to us .

  10. 在行走过程中,对于腿截面的大部分区域,直立状态所受到的袜口压力最大,腿部后踢阶段所受压力最小。

    For most regions of the lower leg cross section , the pressure was highest when the subjects were in an upright position stage during the course of walking , and the minimum occurred at the foot backward off the ground stage .

  11. 放学后他们踢了两个小时的足球。

    After school , they played football for two hours .

  12. 我们放学后经常踢足球玩。

    We often play football for fun after class .

  13. 我们已决定放学后去踢足球。

    We 've decided to play football after school .

  14. 放学后咱们踢场足球赛吧。

    Let 's have a football game after school .

  15. 吉姆放学后去踢足球吗?

    Is Jim going to play football after school ?

  16. 希望我被租借到其他球队后能够踢一些比赛,从而得到一些经验。

    Hopefully I can go on loan and play some games to get some experience .

  17. 放学后我们踢过足球。

    We played soccer after school .

  18. 对掉下来的球反弹后恰好踢中的足球运动员。

    A football kicker who drops the ball and kicks it just as it reaches the ground .

  19. 所以,再想想你家猫咪那一次又一次,前爪抱后爪踢的动作。

    So , think again about that front-claw grab connected with a back-claw kick that your cat does from time to time .

  20. 放学后我们去踢足球吧。

    Let 's play soccer after school .

  21. 放学后我除了踢足球还可以做其它事情。

    I could do other things besides play football after school .

  22. 晚上,吉塔回家后,我踢了她十二脚,因为我掌握了她跟人家乱来的无可辩驳的证据,理直气壮得很。

    In the evening when Geeta came home I kicked her a dozen times because I was armed with the moral strength of possessing irrefutable proof of her affairs .

  23. 千万不要走在马后,它会踢你的。

    Never walk behind a horse in case it kicks out ( at you ) .

  24. 这全取决于圣诞节后那个足球队踢得如何。

    It all depends on how that football team shapes after christmas .

  25. 球员们在禁欲一段时间后,往往在踢完一场重要的比赛后,会获准与他们的太太或女友见面。

    After a period of time without women , and often after an important game , players are allowed to see their partners .

  26. 现在的形势非常的微妙,不过我希望这次复出后能够完整地踢完以后赛季中所有的比赛。

    It was a delicate moment . However , this time I want to return and continue without stopping until the end of the season .

  27. 签约6周后,这位以前踢业余联赛的球员已经跟随球队去了北美和爱尔兰。

    Six weeks after officially signing for the Reds , the former non-league defender has already turned out for United in Canada , America , Mexico and Ireland .

  28. 放学后,在操场踢足球,我的室友王先生误伤脚踝,我带他去校医务室。

    After school , playing football in the playground . By accident , Mr Zhang , my roommate ,, sprained his ankle . I took him to the school clinic .