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hòu yāo
  • Back waist;lower back;small;loin;the back of one's waist
后腰 [hòu yāo]
  • [lower back] [口]∶后背腰际

后腰[hòu yāo]
  1. 卡桑德拉使劲戳了一下他的后腰,让他住嘴。

    Cassandra silenced him with a sharp dig in the small of the back .

  2. NGF对坐骨神经损伤后腰髓与损伤神经MBP含量变化的影响

    Effect of NGF on the changes of MBP in lumber spinal cord and injured sciatic nerve

  3. NGF对大鼠坐骨神经损伤后腰髓MBP含量及其前角神经元的影响神经生长因子对脊髓前角运动神经元三偏磷酸酶的影响

    Effects of Nerve Growth Factor ( NGF ) on Anterior Horn Motoneuron in Spinal Cord after Sciatic Nerve Injury INFLUENCE OF NGF ON TRIMETAPHOSPHATASE OF MOTOR NEURONS IN ANTERIOR HORN

  4. 目的探讨采用脊柱通用系统(USS)钉棒系统重建骶骨肿瘤切除后腰骶关节稳定性的适应证、手术方法及可行性。

    Objective To investigate the operative indications and techniques of the universal spine system ( USS ) in reconstruction of the stability of the lumbar sacrum joint after resection of sacrum tumor .

  5. 结论SAH后腰池持续引流通过清除蛛网膜下腔致痉挛物质,改变脑脊液中ET1和NO的含量,可以预防和缓解血管痉挛。

    Conclusions Through cleaning the vasogenic substances in subarachnoid space , lumbar subarachnoid space continuous drainage can change the levels of ET-1 and NO in CSF and may prevent and reverse CVS following .

  6. 腰椎板切除术后腰脊膜假性囊肿成因及治疗的探讨

    Cause and treatment of pseudocyst of lumbar mater after lumbar laminectomy

  7. 强健后腰肌群,放松脊椎。

    Strengthens the lower back muscles and loosens the spinal vertebrae .

  8. 各主要内分泌腺体摘除后腰纤维环超微结构的研究

    Ultrastructural studies of lumbar annulus fibrosus after excising the major endocrine glands

  9. 他们的脖子和后腰关节活动范围显著变小。

    Their necks and lower back joints had significantly less range of motion .

  10. 兔坐骨神经火器性震荡伤后腰段脊髓病理变化

    Pathological changes of lumbar spinal cord in rabbits after sciatic nerve injury by firearm

  11. 因此这向后腰角色走的一步不是特别彻底。

    The step inside to a more central-defensive-midfield role is thus not particularly radical .

  12. 她把手放在后腰上。

    She out her hand on her hip .

  13. 犬马尾神经受压后腰骶髓中一氧化氮合酶活性与神经细胞凋亡的相关性

    Correlation between the activity of NOS and neuron apoptosis after cauda equina nerve compression in dogs

  14. 你的后腰、肩膀、小脚趾、脚踝,基本上全身都疼。

    Your lower back , shoulders , baby toes , ankles , BASICALLY EVERYTHING . 11 .

  15. 应用激光多普勒血流仪监测兔急性脊髓缺血损伤后腰髓血流动力学变化及病理学观察的研究

    Hemodynamic and Pathological Changes after Acute Ischemic Spinal Cord Injury in Lumbar Spinal Cord in the Rabbit

  16. 我被迫使用三后腰中场如果不允许我们有更多的休息。

    I 'm forced to use three defensive midfielders if I 'm not allowed more time to rest .

  17. 3后腰的灵活使用是他们攻守平衡的保证;

    To use the 3 defending midfielders flexibly is the guarantee for their balance between attack and defense .

  18. 说的远一点,我倾向于再买一个后腰。

    And going a bit further I 'd be inclined to suggest we need another defensive midfield player .

  19. 使用完毕后腰及时关闭整流电源和热笔电源,以免仪器收到损坏。

    Be sure to turn off the rectification power and hot-probe power to avoid damage of the instrument .

  20. 一名专家级球员,被许多人认可为世界上司职中场后腰最佳的人。

    A specialist player , considered by many the world 's best at executing the midfield anchor role .

  21. 坐骨神经火器性断裂伤后腰脊髓及脊神经节内微循环损伤特点

    Characteristics of Microcirculatory Changes in Lumbar Spinal Cord and Ganglion After Firearm Sciatic Nerve 's Disruptive Injury in Rabbits

  22. 坐骨神经震荡伤后腰髓背根神经节病理改变及意义

    Pathological changes of dorsal root ganglion of the lumbar spinal cord after sciatic nerve injury by high velocity missile projectile

  23. 坐骨神经高速弹丸震荡伤后腰段脊髓病理改变

    Pathologic changes of the lumbar spinal cord in the rabbit after injury of sciatic nerve by high velocity steel ball

  24. 蛛网膜下腔出血后腰池持续引流防治脑血管痉挛作用的影像学观察

    Angiographic observation of the effect to prevent and reverse cerebral vasospasm by lumbar subarachnoid space continuous drainage following subarachnoid hemorrhage

  25. 西汉姆需要前锋,边锋,后腰,后卫:你能说出啥,他们就都需要啥。

    West Ham need a striker , wingers , full-backs , defender : you name it , they need it .

  26. 兔坐骨神经高速弹丸震荡伤后腰段脊髓运动神经元及胶质细胞凋亡规律

    Apoptosis regulations of motoneurons and glial cells of lumbar spinal cord following sciatic nerve injury by high speed firearms in rabbits

  27. 下次你见到女人后腰上难懂的部落艺术时,要说“好酷的编织品”。

    Say " cool tat " the next time you see intricate tribal art on the small of a woman 's back .

  28. 他的热情,激情和灵活性不久便保证了他的出场,无论是作为右后卫,左后卫,中卫还是防守型后腰。

    His passion , enthusiasm and versatility soon ensured regular starts , whether at right-back , left-back , centre-half or defensive midfield .

  29. 坐骨神经震荡伤后腰髓一氧化氮及凋亡相关蛋白表达的变化

    Changes of expression of nitrogen monoxide , Bcl-2 and Bax of the lumbar spinal cord following sciatic nerve injury by high speed firearms

  30. 利物浦人还是在右边,帕克和小内维尔竞争后腰位置。

    Should the Liverpool player be kept on the flank , Parker could be left competing for the anchor role with Phil neville .