
  • yi;hou;Houyi
后羿 [hòu yì]
  • [Houyi] 又称羿、夷羿。传说中夏代东夷族首领。原为穷氏(今山东德州北)部落首领。善于射箭,神话中传说尧时十日并出,植物枯死,河水干涸,猛兽长蛇为害,他射去九日,射杀猛兽长蛇,为民除害

  1. 一个勇敢的男人前来拯救大家,他名叫后羿。

    A brave man called Hou Yi came to rescue them .

  2. 后羿回家后看不到嫦娥,便到处寻找她。

    When Hou Yi didn 't find his wife at home , he went looking for her .

  3. 后羿精通箭术,将其中九颗太阳射了下来。

    He excelled at archery and shot down nine of the suns .

  4. 一天,趁着后羿不注意,用冷箭将后羿杀死。

    One day , Feng Meng murdered Hou Yi with a arrow shot from hiding .

  5. 但后羿已和一个美丽善良的女子成亲,她名叫嫦娥,后羿深爱她。

    But Yi was married to a beautiful and kind woman , Chang'e , who he loved dearly .

  6. 后羿抬头一看,惊讶地发现月亮上竟然出现一个和他老婆相似的形体。

    Yi looked up and was amazed to see a figure which looked like his wife appear in the moon .

  7. 逢蒙向名箭手后羿学习射箭,后羿尽心尽力地将全部本领都教给了他。

    Feng meng learned archery from Hou Yi and Hou Yi had tried his best to teach him all the skills .

  8. 嫦娥对后羿的爱让她留在月亮上,因为月亮是天上离地球最近的地方。

    Chang'e 's love for Hou Yi drew her towards the moon , which was the nearest place to Earth in the heavens .

  9. 了解事情经过后,后羿带了嫦娥最爱的食物、糕点和水果到月光下和嫦娥分享。

    Upon realizing what had happened , Hou Yi brought her favorite foods , cakes , and fruit out in the moonlight to share with his wife .

  10. 她告诉后羿,为了表扬他的英勇,众神要给他一剂长生不老药,后羿喝下后就能加入众神的行列。

    She told Yi that as a reward for his bravery , the gods would give him an elixir6 of immortality7 so that he could drink it and join them in heaven .

  11. 逢蒙学到后羿的技法后,认为天下除了后羿之外,再也没有人比自己强,为了夺取天下第一的名号,逢蒙心中顿起杀机。

    After he had learned al the skills from Hou Yi , he thought that except Hou Yi , there was no one in the world whose archery skill were better than his .

  12. 后羿有一个美丽善良的妻子名叫张昆仑山呼吁朋友在他的途中E。一天,他跑了后,王母天堂皇后谁是路过。

    Hou Yi had a beautiful and kindhearted wife named Chang E.One day on his way to the Kunlun Mountain to call on friends , he ran upon the Empress of Heaven Wangmu who was passing by .

  13. 后羿是生活于夏王朝西方的原始部族首领。

    Houyi was the chief of the western tribe of Xia dynasty .

  14. 后羿射日为什么只留下一个太阳,而不是两个。

    Why did Houyi left one sun but not two after shooting ?

  15. 后羿忙射日,嫦娥偷奔月。

    When Ho busy firing , stealing Goose herself .

  16. 一位身强体壮、性格暴虐名叫后羿的弓箭手拯救了人间。

    The earth was saved by a strong and tyrannical archer named Hou Yi .

  17. 她的丈夫后羿非常难过。

    Her husband Hou Yi felt very sad .

  18. 有一天,后羿偷了一位神仙的长生不老药。

    One day , Hou Yi stole the elixir of life from a goddess .

  19. 她的丈夫后羿,非常想念她,所以他病倒了。

    Her husband , Houyi , missed her so much that he became ill .

  20. 他们的愿望实现了,后羿得到了一粒长寿药。

    Their wish was granted and General Hou was given a Pill of Immortality .

  21. 天帝派擅长于射箭的后羿协助尧恢复以前的秩序。

    The Emperor of Heaven sent the archer Hou Yi to help Yao bring order .

  22. 然后,后羿舍不得离开妻子,便把长生不老药交给嫦娥珍藏。

    So he gave the elixir to Chang E to treasure for the time being .

  23. 论第八月15日,嫦娥后羿没有看到迹象。

    On the15th of the eighth month , Chang Er saw no sign of Hou Yi .

  24. 社会主义本质新探后羿神话新解

    A Discussion on the Essence of Socialism A New Interpretation of the Myth of Hou Yi

  25. 因忙于公务,后羿忽略了他可爱而寂寞的妻子。

    He was so busy with his duties he became neglectful of his lovely and lonely wife .

  26. 后羿十分爱他美若天仙的妻子,他不忍心将她从月亮上射落。

    Hou Yi loved his divinely beautiful wife so much , he refused to shoot down the moon .

  27. 然而后羿没有理会王母娘娘的警告,他被名利冲昏了头脑,变成了一个暴君。

    Hou Yi ignored her advice and , corrupted by fame and fortune , became a tyrannical leader .

  28. 悲痛欲绝的后羿,仰望着夜空呼唤爱妻的名字。

    Is deeply grieved Hou Yi , looks up to the nighttime sky summon to love wife 's name .

  29. 傍晚,后羿回到家,侍女们哭诉了白天发生的事。

    Evening , Hou Yi got the home , the maidservants to complain tearfully the matter which the daytime occurred .

  30. 弓箭手后羿射下了其中9个太阳,拯救了地球上的生物。

    The earth was saved when a strong archer , Hou Yi , succeeded in shooting down 9 of the suns .