
  • 网络post-modern aesthetics
  1. 海德格尔美学在存在维度上标志着西方现代美学的完成,而在语言维度上又标志着西方后现代美学的开始。

    Heidegger 's aesthetics symbolizes the end of modern aesthetics from the view of being and the beginning of post-modern aesthetics from language .

  2. 前者具有永恒的生命力,后者却是瞬时的、速朽的。这体现了传统美学与后现代美学的不同。

    The former has eternal vitality , but the latter only have short life which show the differences of between traditional aesthetics and Post-modern aesthetics .

  3. 后现代美学&解构的策略与快感

    Postmodern Aesthetics & the Strategy and Its Pleasant Feeling in Deconstruction

  4. 后现代美学与审美现代性的内在矛盾

    Internal Antinomy between Post-Modernism Aesthetics and Modernism Aesthetics

  5. 后现代美学与审美真理的差异性诠释

    Postmodern aesthetics and differential interpretation to aesthetic truth

  6. 后现代美学与建筑装饰设计

    Post-Modernist Aesthetics and Architectural Adornment Design

  7. 在后现代美学反对审美现代性的过程中,可以看到后现代主义美学独有的理论问题性。

    In the process of the oppression between post-modernism and modernism aesthetics , we can see the special academic problematic of post-modernism aesthetics .

  8. 海德格尔的美学思想以存在为运思目标,它标志着现代美学思想的完成并开启了后现代美学思潮,他也以其存在之思而完成了对传统美学思想的超越。

    Targeting at Bing as the goal , Heidegger 's aesthetic thoughts have transcended traditional aesthetics , signifying that modern aesthetic ideology has entered to the post-modern stage .

  9. 后现代美学对于现代美学的上述努力采取了否定态度,认为西方语言的固有特征导致西方思想不可能从根本上超越形而上学。

    However , all of these efforts are denied by postmodern aesthetics , for the latter thinks that western thought could not surpass metaphysics thoroughly because western languages are alphabetic writings .

  10. 只有破除这种叙事模式的束缚,当代长篇小说才可能在后现代美学空间里获取更有活力的表现方式,找到一条更具有多元美学品质的、与时俱进的创新之路。

    Only by breaking through this form of narrative can the contemporary novel gain its more vital expression in the post-modern aesthetic context and find a way to originality and multiple-layered quality of art .

  11. 进而言之,这种艺术的转向必然带来美学的转向,使作为艺术哲学存在的现代美学最终让位于作为文化哲学存在的后现代美学。

    As a consequence , such a reorientation of art will lead to the reorientation of aesthetics , and modern aesthetics as the philosophy of art will give way to postmodernist aesthetics as the philosophy of culture .

  12. 小议美国动画电影后现代主义美学转向

    On the Post - modernistic Change in American Cartoon Movies

  13. 后现代主义美学是一种削平深度的平面化美学,以虚无主义的态度颠覆了以往的宏大叙事。

    As a planed aesthetics , postmodern aesthetics overturned grant narrative with nihilism .

  14. 由范畴系统言说后现代城市美学的构建

    Research on Construction of the Aesthetics of the Post-modern City Based on Category System

  15. 大众艺术:作为一种后现代的美学

    Popular art as esthetics of Post-modernism

  16. 海氏美学是现代西方美学的终结,同时又是后现代西方美学的开始。

    Heidegger 's aesthetics symbolizes the end of modern aesthetics and the beginning of post-modern aesthetics .

  17. 我们认为当前在我国影响较大的主要是消费主义思想,日常生活审美化观念和后现代思想美学。这些思想的出现必有存在的合理性、必然性。

    We believe that in our country a greater impact is mainly aesthetic conception of the consumer ideology , daily life and post-modern ideological and aesthetic .

  18. 本文所讨论的后现代主义美学是当代美学思潮不可忽视的一部分,构成了现代美学话语最复杂和最丰富的话语资源。

    This thesis discusses post-modernism aesthetics that is the one of the theories of modern aesthetics , and it constitutes the discourse origin of modern aesthetics theory .

  19. 然而通过阅读这些评论,不难发现评论家们忽略了不确定性这一主要后现代主义美学特征。

    After reading the various critical reviews mentioned in previous part , it is not difficult to find that critics have neglected indeterminacy this one major postmodern aesthetic characteristic that is embodied in this novel .

  20. 后现代主义美学对于审美现代性的反对首先从审美问题的外在结构出发,寻找社会权力结构在审美主义中的体现;

    Modernism aesthetics is criticized by post-modernism aesthetics in three aspects : first , post-modernism researches the exterior structure of problem of aesthetics , and find that the social power structure appears in the aesthetics structure ;

  21. 第三章,沈从文生命美学观的进步意义及价值,本文引入后现代生态美学的观点和方法,对沈从文生命观的进步意义及价值作了合理的重估。

    In the last chapter , mainly on the progressive meaning and value of his life aesthetics and this article introduces the ideas and methods of post-modern times ecology aesthetics to re-estimate the value and the progressive significance of his life value .

  22. 在计划,这是一个后现代主义建筑美学,但在“英雄”的现代意识。

    In plan , this is a post-modernist building but aesthetically modernist in the " heroic " sense .

  23. 但是,尽管“后现代”在美学上有着不可忽视的意义,但它也带有一定的缺陷。

    Although the " post-modern " in the aesthetic significance can not be ignored , it also carries certain defects .

  24. 力求实现文化与商业的完美结合,使陈氏电影体现出后现代消费主义的美学内涵。

    These films constitute an important part in Chen 's visual industry , reflecting his ideal of perfect combination of culture and industry .

  25. 本文通过阐述设计美学构成要素的变化,即材料、结构、形式、功能的改变,总结出了后现代社会设计美学的三大特征模糊性、艺术性和系统性。

    By expatiating the change of the component elements of design aesthetics , this article gives three features of the design aesthetics in the post-modern society : obscureness , art and systematization .

  26. 作为一种新的文化现象,后现代文化的美学特征可以归纳为深度模式削平、历史意识消失、主体性丧失、距离感消失等几个方面。

    As a new cultural phenomenon , the esthetic feature of postmodern culture could be concluded as : depth pattern being chopped , historical awareness disappeared , subjectivity lost , the sense of distance vanished .

  27. 后现代转向与实践美学

    Practice Aesthetics in the Post - modern Turn

  28. 东西方艺术的广泛交流给后现代艺术与老庄美学带来融会与碰撞的契机。

    The broad communion of the eastern and western art gives the post - modernism art and the aesthetics of Lao-zi and Zhuang-zi a chance to fuse and collide .