
  • 网络branding effect;Famous brand name effect
  1. 身在城市,人们讲究工作的好坏,穿衣的名牌效应。

    Living in the city , people are particular about the occupational status and the branding effect of clothing .

  2. 历史传统、社会习俗、官本位观念、体制制约、功利主义、名牌效应等方面的因素,都有可能引发学术泛政治化现象。

    The politicalization of the academic journals can be caused by the following factors : historical traditions , social conventions , authorities-based , binding systems , utilitarianism , and domino offect of name brand .

  3. 名牌心理效应透视

    Analysis on the psychology effect of famous brands

  4. 浅谈名牌扩展效应及策略

    Tactics of Expanding Famous - Brand Effect

  5. 名牌的传导效应

    Study on conduction effect of the famous brand

  6. 现代企业名牌产品战略效应浅析

    Morden Enterprise Famous Brand Strategy Effect

  7. 品牌效应是企业无形资产的源泉,但是创造名牌,取得品牌效应的过程是艰辛和曲折的,需要各种品牌战略的有机组合,才能达到目标。

    Brand effect is the source of the incorporeal assets .

  8. 名牌工程具有名牌效应和名牌效益。

    Abstract A famous brand project possesses famous brand effect and famous brand benefit .

  9. 名牌栏目&集聚效应与扩散效应研究

    Agglomerate Effect and Diffusion Effect of Famous Columns

  10. 名牌和名牌群落的社会效应

    Social Effects of Famous Brands and Famous Brand Community

  11. 目前企业及整个社会越来越重视名牌产品,越来越注重名牌效应,这是令人欣喜的。

    The enterprises and society are currently paid more attentions to famous brand of product and effect of famous brand .

  12. 分析了名牌产品的内涵和巨大的名牌效应作用,指出名牌是企业最珍贵的无形资产,创名牌就是创造企业兴旺发达最重要的资产。

    The intension of well - known products and the enormous effect of well - known brandnames are analysed , and it is pointed out that well - known brandnames are the most valuable invisible assets of enterprises , by which enterprises may grow and flourish .