
míng yōu
  • Famous and excellent;brand-name and high-quality;of outstanding quality;famous or of fine quality
名优 [míng yōu]
  • (1) [of outstanding quality]∶形容著名而又优秀的产品

  • (2) [famous or of fine quality]∶出名的、优良的

  • 名优产品

名优[míng yōu]
  1. 湖北地方名优绿茶香气组分的GC-MS分析

    Analysis of Aromatic Components of Famous Green Tea in Hubei by GC-MS

  2. 用气相色谱(GC)、GC/质谱(MS)法分析了主要类型名优绿茶香气组成及其含量的差异。

    The aroma constituents in eight kinds of famous green tea ( FGT ) made from the same kind of leaves were analyzed by GC and GCMS .

  3. 以河北省两个名优地方品种安国大蒜和永年大蒜为试材,用Ms,B5作基本培养基,研究了大蒜茎尖繁殖脱毒快繁技术。

    The virus-eliminating technology with shoot-tip culture and rapid propagation of two local famous elite garlic varieties in Hebei province were studied .

  4. 3C技术在园林绿化工程中的应用名优绿茶机械化加工技术集成与应用

    Application of " 3C " Technology to Landscaping Engineering Integration and Application on Mechanized Processing Technology of High-quality Green Tea

  5. 2001年被评为江苏省市场名优产品,公司通过ISO9002质量体系认证。

    Appraised as Famous and Excellent Product in Jiangsu Market in2001 and passed through the authentication of ISO9002 Quality System .

  6. GMB称,伦敦的3万名优步司机不是独立承包人,而是理应享受最低工资、病假工资和假日薪水等福利的员工。

    The GMB alleges that Uber 's 30000 London drivers are not independent contractors but workers owed the minimum wage , sick pay and holiday pay .

  7. 因此,在最高转速的垂直总起重能力列弗让我们在这个问题,特别是新概念飞机作为VLT最大名优新电梯评级。

    So at maximum RPM the total lifting capacity of the VERT-LEVS give us a new lift rating in this particular neo concept aircraft in question , known as VLT max.

  8. 名优花卉生态环境计算机自动监控与管理网络系统

    Computer Automatic Monitor and Manage Internet System of Excellent Flowers Entironment

  9. 贵州名优茶矿物剖析

    Analyses of Mineral in Famous and Good-Quality Tea of Guizhou Province

  10. 树精品形象创名优期刊

    Establishing the Excellent - brand Image and Creating the Best Journal

  11. 开发名优旅游产品,满足游客需要;

    Developing famous tourism products , satisfying the needs of tourists ;

  12. 依托农业资源发展名优产品

    Rely on the agricultural resources , developing excellent and famous product

  13. 名优绿茶机械化加工技术集成与应用

    Integration and Application on Mechanized Processing Technology of High-quality Green Tea

  14. 谈名优卷烟的包装装潢设计

    On the Packaging Design of Famous Brand and High Quality Cigarettes

  15. 加工工艺对名优绿茶主要品质化学成分的影响

    Effect of processing technology on main biochemistry components in famous green tea

  16. 名优茶采摘高峰期的回归预测

    Regression Forecast on the Picking Peak Period of Famous and High-quality Tea

  17. 名优白酒质量指纹专家鉴别系统

    Quality Fingerprint Expert Discriminating System of Chinese Famous White Spirits

  18. 机制针形名优绿茶工艺研究

    Study on the technology of machine-processed needle-shaped famous green tea

  19. 云南珍稀名优蔬菜资源及其开发利用

    Invaluable and scarce vegetable resources and their development and utilization in Yunnan

  20. 红枣是河北的名优特产,河北省有适合红枣生长的气候、土壤条件。

    The jujube is a famous special local product in Hebei Province .

  21. 这种名优品牌占英美烟草公司利润的大约三分之一。

    Such brands account for about a third of BAT 's profit .

  22. 夏秋名优茶加工技术研究

    Research on the processing technology of summer and autumn tea

  23. 树立品牌意识打造地方名优品牌

    Set Up Brand Concept Establish Local Famous and Quality Brand

  24. 实施禽蛋品牌战略,打造名优品牌;

    To put forward brand strategy and develop excellent brands ;

  25. 不同加工方法对名优绿茶香气成分差异性的研究

    A study on formation of flavor in famous green tea

  26. 茶树修剪时期和程度对早市名优茶品质的影响

    Effect of Pruning Date and Degree on Early Marketed Famous Tea Quality

  27. 制茶工艺对名优绿茶香气品质的影响

    Effect of Processing Technology on the Aroma of Chinese Famous Green Teas

  28. 低度名优白酒风味特征稳定性的研究

    Research on the Stability of Flavor Characteristics of Famous Low Alcohol Liquors

  29. 加工工艺对名优茶品质影响的研究

    The Effect of Processing Techniques on the Quality of Green Tea Products

  30. 柿子名优品种引种研究

    Studies on Introduction to Famous and Excellent Species of persimmon