
tóng háng
  • of the same trade or occupation;a person of the same trade or occupation;fraternity;the same trade;of the same occupation;people of the some trade;go the same way;travel together;walk


tóng xíng
  • travel together
同行 [tóng háng]
  • [the same trade;of the same occupation;people of the some trade] 同行业,同行业者

  • 同行是冤家

  • (1) [go the same way;travel gogether]∶同路

  • 携手同行

  • (2) [walk]∶联合行动

  • 存谦卑的心,与你的上帝同行

同行[tóng háng]
同行[tóng xíng]
  1. 五千年中华大地上,伟大的抗震救灾精神与奥林匹克精神同行。

    The China earth for5000 years is mounted , great earthquake relief work spirit and the Olympic ideals ; the Olympic are of the same trade or occupation .

  2. 本文针对DOAS系统准确度检查方法进行实验探讨,期望能提供给同行参考。

    This method of checking accuracy of the DOAS system was discussed and it can provide the reference to the fraternity .

  3. 他们看着欧洲同行的成功,羡慕不已。

    They look enviously at the success of their European counterparts .

  4. 作为爵士乐歌手,她比大多数同行都要出色。

    As a jazz singer she 's in a class of her own .

  5. 精神治疗师们经常幸灾乐祸地批评自己的同行。

    Psychotherapists often take a perverse delight in criticizing other psychotherapists

  6. 建筑业的同行们都非常敬重他。

    He is held in high esteem by colleagues in the construction industry

  7. 他预见自己在同行中将无人可及。

    He sees himself going right to the top of the tree .

  8. 对于19世纪的同行来说,罗伯特·布朗是植物学巨匠。

    To his 19th-century peers , Robert Brown was the prince of botany .

  9. 匈牙利商人已经领先于东欧邻国的大多数同行了。

    Hungarian businessmen have had a head start over most of their Eastern European neighbors

  10. 在纪录片《与恐龙同行》中可以看到最新的、更加生动的电脑特效技术。

    Recent , more dramatic use of CGI was seen in “ Walking With Dinosaurs ” .

  11. 他不请自来,但他是跟我们认识的人同行,因此也没有什么关系。

    He had gatecrashed but he was with other people we knew and there was no problem .

  12. 爱因斯坦1905年提出的想法使他的大多数同行瞠目结舌。

    Einstein 's suggestion in 1905 astonished most of his colleagues .

  13. 我和他同行。

    I went along with him .

  14. 当国外的经理们谈到他们的美国同行时,往往是轻蔑多于敬畏。

    When foreign executives speak of their American counterparts , they are apt to be more scornful than awestruck .

  15. 结果,快餐连锁企业比那些贵一点的同行们更好地度过了这次经济危机。

    As a result , fast-food chains have weathered the recession better than their more expensive competitors .

  16. 你也去利物浦吗?我们可以同行。

    Are you traveling to Liverpool as well ? We can go together .

  17. 我准备与你同行。

    I am prepared to bear you company .

  18. 得知这是真的后,意大利律师转向他的同行开始用意大利语快速谈论起来。

    Told that it was true , the lawyer turned to his partners and started speaking rapidly in Italian .

  19. 狐狸与猴子同行,一路上都在争吵谁的家世更高贵。

    A fox and a monkey were on the road together , and fell into a dispute as to which of the two was the better born .

  20. 每个隔间装两匹马,有一队兽医和饲养员同行,他们负责照顾马匹,并努力让马匹保持冷静。

    Horses are loaded in two per stall . They fly with a staff of vets and groomers who , among other things , try to make sure they stay calm .

  21. 这份发布在预印本平台MedRxiv上的报告是几位研究人员和科学家的合作成果,尚未经过同行评审或发表在期刊上。

    The report , posted on the preprint server MedRxiv , is a collaboration of several researchers and scientists . It has not yet been peer-reviewed or published in a journal .

  22. 一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。

    In your life , there will at least one time that you forget yourself for some one , asking for no result , no company , no ownership nor love .

  23. 这位《与卡戴珊一家同行》节目的大家长已经正式为momager一词申请注册商标,这个从她们一家成名以来一直与她们同在的称呼终于被她们接受了。

    The Keeping Up with the Kardashians matriarch has just filed legal documents to trademark the word " momager " and embracing a nickname that has stuck ever since her family 's rise to fame .

  24. 教育部表示,每篇论文送3位同行专家,3位专家中有2位及以上专家评议意见为“不合格”的毕业论文,将认定为“存在问题毕业论文”。

    According to the Ministry . Each thesis will be reviewed by three experts , who will also check the essays for quality . If two reviewers say the paper is substandard , it will be identified as problematic .

  25. 在一项未经同行评议的观察性研究中,牛津大学的研究人员研究了英国约2.5万人报告的饮酒量和他们的大脑扫描图像之间的关系。

    In an observational study , which has not yet been peer-reviewed , researchers from the University of Oxford1 studied the relationship between the self-reported alcohol intake2 of some 25000 people in the UK , and their brain scans .

  26. 一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你,爱我,只求在我最美的年华里,遇到你。

    At least , there is one time that you forget yourself for someone . Asking for no result , no company , no ownership . And don 't ask you to love me , but let me meet you in my most beautiful life .

  27. 北极仅有一盏路灯,南极也只有一盏;唯独北极的点灯人和他南极的同行,过着闲逸、懒散的生活:他们每年只工作两次。

    Only the man who was in charge of the single lamp at the North Pole , and his colleague who was responsible for the single lamp at the South Pole -- only these two would live free from toil3 and care : they would be busy twice a year .

  28. 过晋国时,同行的人指着晋国的城池和土地庙,骗他说这就是燕国的城池和土地庙,他的脸色顿时显得凄怆悲凉,并不停地浩然长叹。

    Passing the state of Jin , the people who went along with him pointed1 to the cities and shrines2 and cheated him by telling him those were the cities and temples of the state of Yan . Upon hearing this , he became gloomy3 and sad and kept sighing .

  29. 特别是我国在加入WTO以后,地方航运企业面对的同行将是一些实力较雄厚的国际跨国航运企业。

    After our country 's entrance into WTO , the competitor will be those big international shipping companies .

  30. 周三,泰珀在今年拉斯维加斯SALT投资大会上对基金经理同行和其他与会人员发出了一番警示。

    On Wednesday , Tepper cautioned fellow fund managers and other attendees of this year 's SALT Investing Conference in Las Vegas .