
tóng xiàn xìng
  • collinearity
同线性[tóng xiàn xìng]
  1. 并同线性模型进行了对比。

    Comparison has been made with the linear model .

  2. 因此,同线性回归相比,这种对多元回归的需要看来是颇有道理的。

    312 Accordingly , the end for multiple regression as against linear regression appeared quite reasonable .

  3. 然后证明了线性目标规划同线性规划一样,其满意解一定可以在某个顶点处达到,最后对原来的图解法进行了修正,使得在求解线性目标规划的时候,总能够找到满意解。

    The article modified the traditional Graph Method for Linear Goal Programming , which can attain the satisfaction solution .

  4. 同线性代数传统的数学标记法相比,其主要优点是更易于输入。

    Its main advantage over traditional mathematical notation for linear algebra is that it 's much easier to type .

  5. 比较遗传学研究表明,禾本科不同基因组之间存在着广泛的同线性和共线性。

    Comparative genetic studies have shown that there are widespread synteny and colinearity of the genes among different species within grass family .

  6. 对结核分枝杆菌以及相关菌株等的全基因组序列的同线性区域、重复序列和单核苷酸多态性进行比较基因组学研究分析,发现插入/缺失和重复序列是导致结核分枝杆菌菌株基因组差异的主要来源。

    Through alignment 33 genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and related stains , found that sequences insertion / deletion and duplication are the major source of genomic differences .

  7. 运用模糊聚类方法确定出二级倒立摆模糊动态模型,并将模糊思想同线性系统理论相结合,设计出模糊神经网络控制器。

    Fuzzy neural network is combined with fuzzy clustering to determine dynamic fuzzy model of the double inverted pendulum , and give a design method for fuzzy neural network system controller .

  8. 将该模型并入常规的k-ε模型的计算程序中,并对突扩台阶后的湍流流动进行了数值计算,同线性k-ε模型的计算结果和实验结果进行了比较。

    Numerical solution of turbulent flow passing a backward-facing step with this model has been obtained , Comparison are made between the results predicted by this new nonlinear model and those obtained from the linear k - ε model as well as the experimental data .

  9. 基于一阶近似椭圆余弦波理论研究了浅水区非线性波浪对海底埋设管线的作用,求得了作用于管线上的渗流压力解析解,并同线性波浪理论结果进行了比较。

    This paper studies the nonlinear wave action on a buried pipeline in shallow water areas based on the first order cnoidal wave theory , and presents an analytical solution for the seepage pressure . The results from this solution and those from linear theory are compared .

  10. 然后通过证明有限域上同一线性函数在严格不同基下对应不同矩阵,扩展出一种通用的方法快速确定有限域上线性函数和n阶矩阵间的线性关系;

    And then based on the observation that one linear function will have distinct matrix forms under different bases , a generic scheme is extended to determine the relationship between the linear functions and matrices of order n over a finite field quickly .

  11. 同阶线性系统同时镇定的神经网络方法

    Neural network algorithm for simultaneous stabilization of linear systems with same orders

  12. 核主导系数同红移线性相关。

    2 ) R is approximately linearly correlated with redshift ( z ) .

  13. 同阶线性系统状态反馈同时镇定的数值解法

    Numerical Solution to Simultaneous Stabilization Via State Feedback for Linear Systems with Same Orders

  14. 用同一线性变换化不同二次型为标准形

    C shape ; Use Similar Linearity Transformation to Get Dissimilar Quadratic Form into Normalized Form

  15. 在此基础上,通过对同系统的线性项和非线性项的分离,构造非线性耦合函数。

    On this basis , through the same system of linear item and the separation of nonlinear term . structure nonlinear coupling function .

  16. 时间在人的意识里的存在方式同之前的线性时间观或者循环论的观念有了根本的不同,而作家们征用了这些解构时间的策略,占领了时间的意义空白处,作足了文章。

    The existence of time in people 's thinking has been totally different , and the writers make use of them and make sense of the stories .

  17. 同二阶线性最优预测相比,二阶差分预测的残差图像熵值大约降低了3%,编解码时间降低了5%和16%。

    Compared with the optimal linear prediction , the entropy of residual image is decreased by 3 % , the encode and decode time are decreased by 5 % and 16 % .

  18. 提出了一种由同一n级线性反馈移位寄存器的φ(2~n-1)/n种不同m序列构造一个非线性序列的新方法,可增加序列的线性复杂度。

    This article presents a new method to generate a class of nonlinear sequences based on φ( 2n-1 ) / n different m - sequences the number stage of which is n , this can increase the complexity of the sequences .

  19. 提出了基于小波的等价线性化方法,并同传统的等价线性化方法进行了比较。

    An equivalent linearization method based on wavelet transformation is represented , and compared with the traditional equivalent linearization technique .

  20. 该算法消除了迭代中权值估计带来的误差,计算量同用户数成线性关系。

    Proposed algorithm cancels the estimation error of constant weighting factor and has only a line - ar complexity with the number of users .