
  • 网络peer pressure
  1. 你刚刚经历了一种通常被称为同侪压力(又称同侪影响)的现象。

    You have just experienced what is commonly referred to as peer pressure , also called peer influence .

  2. 这个研究的最初的目的是研究同侪压力能在多大程度上影响青少年的决定,这也就是为什么Berns的团队选择那些研究对象们以前不太可能听到的歌曲的原因。

    The initial intention was to study how much peer pressure influences teenagers ' decisions - which is why Berns ' team chose music their subjects were unlikely to have heard before .

  3. 同侪压力对大学生余暇体育锻炼行为影响的研究

    On the Peer Pressures Influence Extracurricular Physical Exercise Behavior of Chinese College Students

  4. 有些人则被同侪压力所驾驭,总是担心别人会怎么想。

    Others are driven by peer pressure , always worried by what others might think .

  5. 只有同侪压力、公众的责难以及对失去影响力的恐惧,才能让各国领导人的内心产生震撼。

    Only peer pressure , opprobrium and fear of losing influence will shake leaders up .

  6. 认识同侪压力

    Dealing with Peer Pressure

  7. 第二,在同侪压力,你不应该感到沮丧和压力。相反,你应该让你的更艰苦的工作动力。

    Second , under peer pressure , you shouldn 't feel discouraged and pressed . Instead , you should make it your motivation for harder work .

  8. 作为一名大学生,我没有办法避免同侪压力,所以我揣摩的方式与它做好。

    As a college student , I have no way to avoid peer pressure , so I try to figure out the way to do with it well .

  9. 由于来自同侪的压力而不使用不好的实践,有人已经明确地指出这是有效的结对编程的优势。

    Peer pressure not to slip into bad practices is a clearly identified benefit of effective pair programming .

  10. 相对于同侪施加的无谓压力。我讨厌人们互相力图压倒对方的那种谈话。

    Never mind the unnecessary pressure from my contemporaries . I hate conversations where people try to score points off each other .

  11. 研究结果发现吸菸者多在青少年时期初次接触菸品,之后因为同侪鼓励、生活压力或职业需求等原因持续抽菸,进而形成习惯。

    The research indicated that smokers usually started smoking during their teenage years and then developed a habit due to peer pressure , or stress from their job or life .

  12. 同侪评审需要深化为同侪压力。

    Peer review will need to be peer pressure .