
  • 【地名】【日本】Yoshida
  1. “我们决定了,是的,我们想要3G但有声音将限制在设计方面我们的游戏体验,”吉田解释说。

    " What we decided was , yes , we want3G but having voice will limit us in terms of designing the gaming experience ," Yoshida explained .

  2. 吉田说,纯平显示器将是决定JSR公司经营策略的关键。

    Yoshida says the flat panel display business is key to JSR 's business strategy .

  3. 甘磷酰芥口服对所试10种动物肿瘤中的5种有明显抑制作用,对大鼠吉田肉及瘤Walker癌肉瘤256的抑制率高达82~100%;

    Oral glyciphosphoramide showed apparent antitumor action in 5 of 10 animal tumors , among them effects on Yoshida sarcoma and Walker 256 being the highest ( 82-100 % ) .

  4. 富士吉田市市长堀内茂(ShigeruHoriuchi)说,将要到来的人数会超过以往任何时候。

    More people than ever will come , said Shigeru Horiuchi , the mayor of Fujiyoshida City .

  5. 性能特点:吉田牌KPV系列两料比例是用于搭配自动填料机,将新料及粉碎料比例式混合后送回射出机。

    Features : Jitian Brand KPV series of two-material proportion valves are used to pair up auto-feed machine , to feed into the shooting machine of the crashed materials in proportion valve .

  6. 吉田原先在一家宠物店工作,为狗修剪毛发。

    Yoshida originally worked in a pet shop trimming dogs ' hair .

  7. 他们以鸠山为中心形成强大的反吉田派。

    They formed strong anti-Yoshida factions centered on Hatoyama .

  8. 吉田政权成立后,选择了对美协调路线。

    The Yoshida regime chose the course of coordination with America after it was established .

  9. 吉田说他创立这一人口钟是为了鼓励人们“紧急”开展关于这一问题的讨论。

    Yoshida said he created the population clock to encourage " urgent " discussion of the issue .

  10. 第一部分根据最新资料,着重介绍吉田政权的对美协调路线,即反吉田派出现的历史背景。

    Part one introduces the historical background of Anti-Yoshida group on the basis of the latest materials .

  11. 吉田说,她希望顾客走进猫咪的“天地”来放松自己。

    Yoshida said she wants customers to enter the cats '" space " in order to achieve relaxation .

  12. 吉田表示:要让成千上万玩家都明白虚拟现实体验是何等迷人是一大挑战。

    Getting millions of people to understand how amazing VR experiences are is a big challenge , Yoshida says .

  13. 中日关系中这种局面的形成,“吉田书简”起着重要影响。

    In the formation of the situation of the Sino-Japan relations ," the Yoshida Letter " played an important role .

  14. 关于抗肿瘤药物的研究Ⅲ.利用体外培养吉田腹水肉瘤筛选抗肿瘤药物

    Studies on antitumor drugs ⅲ . the use of in vitro cultivation of Yoshida ascites sarcoma cells in screening anti-tumor substances

  15. 吉田征求了佐藤的意见,佐藤认为这个办法也许可行。队友佐藤琢磨完成了一场活跃的比赛。

    " Yoshida " checked with Sato , who thought this might work . Team mate Takuma Sato drove a feisty race .

  16. 通过资格认证的学校营养师吉田小姐负责制作每个月的菜单,然后由每位学生带回家。

    A monthly menu is prepared in advance by the school 's qualified nutritionist , Miss Yoshida , and sent home with every child .

  17. 吉田称:虚拟现实技术是一种全新的媒介,开发者必须学会如何围绕这种新范式来打造绝佳的体验。

    VR is such a new medium that developers have to learn how to design around the new paradigm to create great experiences , Yoshida says .

  18. 反吉田派的对美政策主张尽管与吉田派对立,但最终目的都是为实现日本国家利益。

    Although Anti-Yoshida school 's stand toward American policy were against that of Yoshida group , both were to realize the nation 's interests in the end .

  19. 吉田现在承认公司应该扔掉过期食品,表示以后会对此多加注意。

    Yoshida accepted now that the company should have thrown the food away after the sell-by date passed and that it would take care from now on .

  20. 反吉田派的政策主张和活动,不仅动摇了吉田政权的统治,而且对后来日本的政治路线也带来深远影响。

    The stand and action of Anti-Yoshida group not only shook the rule of the Yoshida regime but also brought profound effect on later Japanese political courses .

  21. 研究反吉田派的政策主张和活动,不仅能够更深入的审视日本政治,而且有助于我们从一个新的角度探索日美关系发展的脉络。

    The studies of Anti-Yoshida faction not only enable us to examine the politics of Japan but also help us explore the sequences of Japan-America reaction from a new perspective .

  22. 我问71岁的吉田,既然政府已经客气并坚决地提出要求,任何决定留在城里的人都应该待在家里,为何他的咖啡馆还在营业。

    I ask Yoshida , 71 , why in the world his shop is open when the government is politely but firmly suggesting that anyone who decides to remain in town should stay indoors .

  23. 仅仅是7月上旬,通过吉田口(一条很受欢迎的登山路径的入口)的人数就比去年同期跃升50%。

    In the first 10 days of July alone , the number of hikers who passed the Yoshida Gate a popular path to the peak jumped 50 percent over the same period last year .