
  • 网络studio ghibli;GHIBLI STUDIO
  1. 吉卜力工作室的电影在中国一直很受欢迎。

    Studio Ghibli films have remained popular in China .

  2. 关于更多的主题公园,吉卜力工作室将于2022年在日本开放。

    For more theme parks , Studio Ghibli Park will 0pen in Japan in 2022 .

  3. 自1985年开业以来,吉卜力工作室的事业蒸蒸日上。

    Since it opened in 1985 , Studio Ghibli has gone from strength to strength .

  4. 高畑勋与宫崎骏同为吉卜力工作室的导演,比较他们在塑造孤儿形象方面的异同显得很必要。

    It is very necessary that compare their similarities and differences in shaping the orphans image appears .

  5. 对于由吉卜力工作室的宫崎吾朗所制作之地海电影「格得战记」之第一回应。

    First response to " gedo senki ," the Earthsea film made by Goro Miyazaki for studio ghibli .

  6. 吉卜力工作室在配音上作的很好,但我还是很高兴这一次能听到日文的声音。

    Studio Ghibli does excellent dubbing , but I was delighted to hear the Japanese voices for once .

  7. 吉卜力工作室的名称源于一个意大利词,意为吹过撒哈拉沙漠的热风。

    Studio Ghibli got its name from an Italian word meaning a hot wind that blows through the Sahara Desert .

  8. 您认为,如果不通过吉卜力工作室,手绘动画片这种形式有可能在其他地方继续下去么?

    Do you think the medium of hand-drawn animation will continue , if not at Studio Ghibli then somewhere else ?

  9. 千与千寻是一部上映于2001年的日本动画电影,编剧和导演是宫崎骏,动画制作是吉卜力工作室。

    Spirited Away is a 2001 Japanese animated fantasy-adventure film written and directed by Hayao Miyazaki and produced by Studio Ghibli .

  10. 今年年初有人说吉卜力工作室以后可能不再制作新的电影了,事实是这样的么?

    Earlier this year some people got the impression that Studio Ghibli was going to stop making new movies . Is that the case ?

  11. 最近迪斯尼公司与吉卜力工作室建立了合作关系,该公司技术高超的漫画家对宫崎骏的贡献也感叹不已。

    Skilled animators at the Disney Corporation , with whom Ghibli recently set up a partnership , have acknowledged their debt to Hayao Miyazaki .

  12. 来自吉卜力工作室的这只毛绒绒的吉祥物还真是不慌不忙,过了三十年才终于走进了中国的影院。

    Not only is the furry Studio Ghibli mascot unflappably relaxed , he 's taken 30 years to make his way to theaters in China .

  13. 这部由吉卜力工作室制作、著名导演宫崎骏执导的电影,讲述了两姐妹遇到龙猫和其他森林生物的故事。

    The film , by Studio Ghibli and famed director Hayao Miyazaki , follows the story of two sisters who encounter Totoro and other forest creatures .

  14. 这部由吉卜力工作室制作的电影最初于2001年上映,并因其引人入胜和扣人心弦的故事迅速在全球走红。

    The movie made by Studio Ghibli was originally released in 2001 and quickly garnered fame around the world for the captivating and thrilling story it offers .

  15. 这部电影是第一部在中国发行的吉卜力工作室的电影,中国对外国电影放映的数量有严格的限制。

    The movie is the first Studio Ghibli movie to ever be released in China , which has a strict quota on the number of foreign films .

  16. 砂田麻美在这部纪录片中深入探索了宫崎骏的人生,以及他与同事兼导师高畑勋和制作人铃木敏夫联合创建的吉卜力工作室。

    For her documentary , Ms. Sunada embedded herself with Mr. Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli , the animation studio he founded with his colleague and mentor Isao Takahata and the producer Toshio Suzuki .

  17. 这是吉卜力工作室目前在中国上映的第二部电影,第一部是数字修复版的《龙猫》,去年12月在中国大陆影院上映。

    It 's currently the second Studio Ghibli film to make its way in China , the first being My Neighbor Totoro which was digitally remastered and shown in Chinese mainland cinemas last December .

  18. 如今,作为一位启发他人灵感的人,宫崎骏已确立了其不可动摇的地位。最近迪斯尼公司与吉卜力工作室建立了合作关系,该公司技术高超的漫画家对宫崎骏的贡献也感叹不已。

    Now , he is firmly established as a figure who provides inspiration to others . Skilled animators at the Disney Corporation , with whom Ghibli recently set up a partnership , have acknowledged their debt to Hayao Miyazaki .

  19. 1984年,宫崎骏发行了一部根据他自己的漫画集改编而成的电影—《风之谷》。这部影片获得了空前的成功,使宫崎骏与高畑勋得以自行筹组公司—吉卜力工作室。

    In 1984 , Miyazaki released a film based on his own manga series , " Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind . " It was a huge success , enabling Miyazaki and Takahata to set up their own company , Studio Ghibli .

  20. 吉卜力工作室的名称源于一个意大利词,意为“吹过撒哈拉沙漠的热风”。二战期间意大利飞行员用这个名字给他们的飞机命名;喜欢飞行和意大利的宫崎骏,觉得这个名字最能抓住他作品的精髓。

    Studio Ghibli got its name from an Italian word meaning " a hot wind that blows through the Sahara Desert . " It was used by Italian pilots during World War II in reference to their planes , and Miyazaki , who loves both flying and Italy , felt the name captured the spirit of his work .

  21. 高畑勋是日本吉卜力动画工作室的创办者之一,日本著名的动画导演。

    Isao Takahata is one of the founders of Studio Ghibli , a very famous Japanese director .

  22. 宫崎骏及其创立的吉卜力动画工作室出品的动画电影在全世界范围内获得了广泛的传播。

    The animated films of Ghibli animation studio founded by Hayao Miyazaki have been widely disseminated in the world .