
  • 网络rational acceptability
  1. 正确的做法是对该测谎结论进行价值选择,看其是否拥有合理的可接受性,而不必全盘否定。

    We need not deny the polygraph conclusion , in the right direction is selecting the correct value and acceptable rationality .

  2. 但是,在我们选择证明标准时,却只能选择法律真实观,因为,法律真实观具有理论上的兼容性、对客观真实的依赖性、标准上的可行性及价值理念上的合理的可接受性。

    However , in practice , when choosing proof standard , we can only choose legal certainty because of its compatibility with other theories , its dependence on objective certainty , its feasibility in practice and acceptability in reason .