
  1. 日前,阿根廷两名男子成为拉丁美洲首对合法同性恋伴侣,虽然他们不得不千里迢迢跑到“世界的尽头”举行婚礼。

    They had to travel to the ends of the Earth to do it , but two Argentine men succeeded in becoming Latin America 's first same-sex married couple .

  2. 但该法院以多数票裁定1996年《婚姻保护法》(DefenseofMarriageAct,将婚姻定义为“一男一女的结合”)核心条款违宪。这所表达的意思是,联邦政府必须让所有合法结婚的伴侣享有同等权利。

    Instead , with its decision to overturn a central plank of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act , which defines marriage as between a man and a woman , the majority of the justices declared that the federal government must grant the same rights to all legally married couples .

  3. 周日零时一到,绮蒂.朗伯特与雪若.鲁德在尼加拉瀑布,成为第一对在纽约州合法结婚的同性伴侣。

    Just after midnight on Sunday at Niagara Falls , Kitty Lambert and Cheryle Rudd became the first same-sex couple to be legally married in New York State .