
hé tonɡ fǎ
  • contract law;law of contract
  1. 国际统一合同法公约中的挑选法院问题研究

    Research on Problem of Forum-shopping in International Uniform Contract Law Conventions

  2. 合理期限&合同法立法泛用析论

    On a reasonable time period in legislation of the contract law

  3. 合同法对航次租船合同适用之研究

    Study on the Application of Contract Law to Voyage Charter Party

  4. 我国新《合同法》有关规定的称谓应规范化;

    Some terms of the New Contract Law should be standardized .

  5. 《合同法》应当明确规定第三人利益合同

    The Contract Act Should Expressly Describe the Third Party Interests Contract

  6. 合同法对仓储合同规定的几处缺漏及纠补

    Defects of Warehousing Contract in Contract Law and the Relevant Amendments

  7. 论我国合同法确认隐名代理的必要性

    On Necessity of Agency of Unnamed Principal in China Contract Law

  8. 合同法总则第94条第2项以及第108条明确规定了预期违约的救济方法。

    94 article and NO. 108 article in the law of contract .

  9. 统一合同法第六十七条研究

    Studies of Clause 67 of China 's Uniform Contract Law

  10. 一元抑或多元&论合同法归责原则

    Monism or Pluralism & On the Liability Principle of the Contract Law

  11. 论合同法保护债权人利益的特别规定

    On the Specific Regulations in the Contract Law Protecting Creditors ' interests

  12. 实施《劳动合同法》企业劳动用工管理的风险分析

    Implementation of Labor Contract Law and Analysis the Risks Labor Employment Management

  13. 《劳动合同法》下劳动者保护范围的思考

    Consideration on the Protection Scope of Labourer under the Labor Contract Law

  14. 劳动法与农民工权益保障研究&兼评《劳动合同法(草案)》有关规定

    On Labor Law and Safeguarding Peasant-workers ' Rights and Interests

  15. 无效产品责任处于合同法和侵权行为法的交错领域。

    Ineffective product liability lies between the field of contract and tort .

  16. 合同法价值构造变革

    The Revolution of the Construction of Values of Contract Law

  17. 第三章第一节对我国合同法规定的合同解除的结构和体系、法定解除事由进行了分析。

    Therefore , chapter three only discusses the reasons of legal rescission .

  18. 《合同法》第107条新解

    A New Explanation of Article 107 in Chinese Contract Law

  19. 《劳动合同法》是和谐劳动关系的稳压器

    " Labor Contract Law ": the Stabilizer to Keep Labor Relationship Harmonious

  20. 对合同法中缔约过失责任制度的思考

    Thinking on the System of Fault Liability in Conclusion Contract

  21. 论我国新合同法的效益价值追求

    On Seeking the Value of Beneficial Result of Contract Law

  22. 试论格式条款效力的概括规制&兼评我国合同法第39条

    On the General Regulation of the Effect of Adhesion Contracts

  23. 劳资关系;劳动合同法;就业;

    Labor relations ; Labor Contract Law ; Employment ;

  24. 我国合同法及其理念的发展

    The Development of Chinese Contract Law and Its Concept

  25. 合同法对商标权利耗尽的影响

    The Impacts of Contract Law on the Problem of Exhaustion of Trademark Right

  26. 《合同法》中登记效力研究

    Study on the effects of registration in contract law

  27. 浅析《合同法》对推行我国外贸代理制的影响

    The effect of new Contract Law on foreign trade agent system in China

  28. 第四部分证成劳动合同法的社会法属性。

    The fourth part is proving the attribute of the labor contract law .

  29. 期货经纪公司的主要业务行为属于我国《合同法》中规定的行纪行为。

    The main operation of the futures broking companies attribute to brokerage behavior .

  30. 论《合同法》基本原则的发展创新

    Creation and Development of Contract Law 's Basic Principles