- 名applicable law of contract

Applicable Law of Contract of Crew Employment
This article analyses the reality and possibility of application in international commercial transaction according to applicable law of contract , international commercial arbitration and interpretation of international law .
On Determination of the Applicable Law of the International Contract of Technology Transfer
Comparative Research on Choosing Laws Applicable to foreign Contracts by Autonomy of Will
On the Function of Validity Principle in Deciding the Contract 's Applicable Law
On Determination Of Applicable Law In International Contract
Some Issues Concerning Choice of Applicable Law in Light of the Principle of Autonomy of the Parties
Autonomy of will has become the most important principle every country in the world follows in making its foreign contract proper law .
Admittedly , the battle of the forms is related to choice of law , choice of jurisdiction or choice of place of performance .
The choice of legal principles for a law of contract criteria has remained the most complicated and most confusing problem in the field of private international law .
The doctrine of autonomy of will is admitted by most of countries by way of their legislations and relevant international conventions as the preliminary rule to choose laws applicable to contracts .
As far as how to determine the applicable law in international contract is concerned , currently the international view is regarding " doctrine of autonomy of will " as the primary principle to determine the applicable law .
When the French scholar Charles Dumoulin first raised this theory , it aroused a universal sensation in the world and nowadays it has developed into a fundamental principle to establish the applicable law of contracts in the international community .
The problem of applicable of law is the most disputable in the international private law . Just as what Beale said , There is no more complicated than to deal with applicable law of contract in conflict law , who is an American scholar .
The correct determination of the applicable law of contracts is the key to effectively resolving conflicts of law arising from international loans . The confirmation of the applicable law should commonly follow the doctrine of party autonomy and the principle of the decision of court with jurisdiction .
On Applicable Law of International Loan Contracts
In China , The most significant relationship doctrine has been adopted to choose the governing law for the contracts of guarantee with foreign elements in both legislative practices and judicial practices .
Based on those combined findings , ( the law of the country of the Seller ) appears to be the proper law governing the Contract between the Seller and the Buyer .
Consider including choice of law , venue selection , and attorneys fee clauses .
The rule of autonomy of will is one of important principle of private law . It 's reflection in international private law that client has right to choose applicable law of contract in involving foreign affair .
The principle of the autonomy of will means that the parties in an international contract have the right to choose their applicable law of the contract .