
  • 网络Contract price;contract rate;CORPORATE RATE
  1. 但目前还没有关于BT项目合同价确定方法的标准,所以出现了BT项目合同价确定难的问题。

    But , there is no standard about the determination method of BT contract price now , so the difficult determination of BT contract price comes .

  2. 浅谈合同价变更与监理投资控制

    Change of contract price and supervisor 's cost control

  3. 通常是由梅赛尼斯和南部化学公司(SCC)设置每月合同价的范围。

    Methanex and Southern Chemical Corp ( SCC ) historically have set the range of the monthly contract .

  4. 截至本周五中午,两家公司都未发布十月评估的合同价。

    Neither company had released an October assessment as of noon Friday .

  5. 不完善粒每减少0.5%,合同价增加1%。

    The contract price increases by1 % at0.5 % decrease of the admixture .

  6. 一月下降幅度有所放缓,二月合同价看来注定反弹。

    After spotted a shrinking decline in January , Feburary contract price seemed certain to rebound .

  7. 我们只能按合同价的8折价格接受货物。

    We can accept the goods only at a reduction of20 % on the contract price .

  8. 分项二的合同价为________(币种)_______(大写:);

    Contract Price for Item 2 : ______ ( say ____________ only ) in ________ ( currency ) ;

  9. 分项三的合同价为________(币种)_______(大写:);

    Contract Price for Item 3 : ______ ( say ____________ only ) in ________ ( currency ) ;

  10. 分项四的合同价为________(币种)_______(大写:)。

    Contract Price for Item 4 : ______ ( say ____________ only ) in ________ ( currency ) .

  11. 此保函保证买方履行支付合同价的第二、三和第四期款项的义务。

    This guarantee shall secure the Buyer 's Obligation for the Payment of all2nd , 3rd and4th installments of the Contract Price .

  12. 本案的另一个焦点问题是对于合同价与市场价的巨大差距,是否一定构成显失公平的问题。

    Another focus of the case is a huge gap between the contract price and the market price of the issue is fair or not .

  13. 卖方延期交付技术文件的违约金的总量不得超过本合同价的百分之

    The total amount of liquidated damages paid by the Seller for late delivery of Technical Documentation shall not exceed _____ percent of the Contract Price .

  14. 合同价不包括现在或将来的关税、营业税,消费税及在中国执行的类似税种。

    The contract price shall be free of any present or future customs duties , sales , excise , withholding or similar taxes in effect in the prc .

  15. 本研究采用动态博弈理论,建立了以政府机构为主导地位的,承发包双方针对施工条件变化,围绕着工期、合同价变更的不完全合同模型。

    According to the change of working condition for construction project , by using dynamic game theory , incomplete contract model about constructing time and price is set up .

  16. 建设项目实施阶段(即施工阶段)的工程造价控制目标就是工程承包合同价,此阶段的工程投资强度远远高于其它阶段。

    The contract price of a project is the goal of the construction cost control in executing stage The investment in this stage is much bigger than that of other stages .

  17. 各分项的价格如下:分项一的合同价为________(币种)_______(大写:);

    The breakdown prices of the above mentioned total contract price are as follows : Contract Price for Item 1 : ______ ( say ____________ only ) in ________ ( currency ) ;

  18. 为此,就如何加强施工阶段监理过程对合同价及时进行变更,从而实现投资控制目标,提出了相应的措施及方法。

    Therefore , the contract price shall be changed in time in the course of supervision at construction stage to reach the cost control target . Corresponding measures and methods are put forward .

  19. 从工程变更、不可预见的外界条件、索赔、合同价调整四个主要方面阐述了承包商在施工承包工程中的合同管理工作。

    The contents of contract management for contractor are explained on the followed aspects : i.e , variation of construction works , unforeseeable external conditions , claim indemnities and adjustment of contract price .

  20. 江垭水电站水轮发电机组设备采购,采取了国际竞争招标方式,合同价1445万美元,比原估算价节约投资近1000万美元。

    The international competitive bidding was executed for the procurement of turbo generator equipments of Jiangya Power Station and the contract price of 14.45 million dollars is about 10 million dollars less than original estimated price .

  21. 介绍了施工阶段工程造价管理的方法,从工程变更、合同价调整、工程的索赔等方面进行了论述,指出施工阶段的工程造价管理是搞好工程质量的关键。

    The engineering cost management method in construction stage is introduced and discussed from project changes , contract price adjustment , project claim and other aspects . Author points out that engineering cost control in construction stage plays important roles .

  22. 承包商通过公开竞争而中标的工程项目,其合同价往往在该工程计划成本金额之下,如果稍有疏忽失误,便面临严重的亏损局面。

    The project that the contractor won a bid through open competition , its contract price is often under the amount of money of planned costs of this project , if slightly neglect the fault , face the serious situation of loss .

  23. 文中提出要进行事先、主动且贯穿于项目建设全过程的工程造价控制,即从项目决策、投资估算、设计阶段的概算,到实施阶段的承包合同价和完工后的竣工决算。

    Whole-process control of cost , including project decision , rough estimation of investment , budgetary estimation at period of design , contract cost at period of construction and final accounts , should be permeated from beginning to end of the construction process .

  24. 本文以工程量清单计价为基础,首先介绍了工程造价的构成,提出了实施阶段工程造价管理的对象和内容,主要包括承包合同价、合同价变更的管理、施工索赔、竣工结算。

    Based on the bill quantity , this paper firstly introduces the structure of construction cost , and identifies the objects and contents of the construction cost management in the construction stage , mainly including the contract price 、 contract price modification 、 construction claim and completion settlement .

  25. 这可以从法律的实质公平、意思真实和诚实信用的关系以及利益衡平、合同对价等价值层面找到答案。

    This can be seen from the legal essence fair , the credit relations of real meaning and the honest credit as well as equity interests and right price contract .

  26. 争取这份合同的投标价全都高得令人失望。

    The bids for this contract were all disappointingly high .

  27. 合同无对价不成立。

    No consideration , no contract .

  28. 将引入合同的合同价、时间表、其他变更的调整建议。

    Proposal for adjustment of the contract price , schedules , other changes to be introduced in the contract .

  29. 这也是多年来铁矿石现货价格首次跌至合同协商平均价(目前是每吨约90美元)以下。

    For the first time in years , the spot price of iron ore is below the average contractually negotiated iron ore price , which now is about $ 90 .

  30. 在未订立合同之前,发价得予撤销,如果撤销通知于被发价人发出接受通知之前送达被发价人。

    Until a contract is concluded an offer may be revoked if the revocation reaches the offeree before he has dispatched an acceptance .