
  • 网络Cooperative Bank;Rabobank;Co-Operative Bank
  1. 在这种模式下,大约12位妇女组成的一个小组,每个小组每个月集体向一个本地合作银行存钱。

    Under this model , groups of about a dozen women collectively make monthly deposits into a local co-operative bank .

  2. 在机构投资者中,总部位于英国的渣打银行(StandardChartered)已同意认购5亿美元,而荷兰合作银行(Rabobank)将认购2.5亿美元。这两家银行都已与农行建立合作伙伴关系。

    Among institutions , UK-based Standard Chartered has agreed to take a $ 500m allotment while Rabobank of the Netherlands will buy $ 250m . Both groups have entered into partnerships with Agricultural Bank .

  3. 我丈夫自战前以来就在合作银行有户头。

    My husband has banked with the Co-op since before the war .

  4. 关键的是,他在之前的一年通过了冗长的重大影响职位(significantinfluencefunction)面试,当上合作银行的非执行董事。

    Crucially , he had been made a non-executive director of the bank the year before , passing a lengthy significant influence function interview .

  5. 服部孝补充称,“成功的一个关键因素”,是获得日本国际合作银行(japanbankforinternationalco-operation)的融资。

    Mr Hattori added that a " key success factor " would be securing finance from the Japan Bank for international co-operation .

  6. 日本政府还决心更多地利用日本国际合作银行(japanbankforinternationalco-operation)及其它国有机构,为海外项目提供融资。

    The government is determined to make greater use of the Japan Bank for international co-operation and other state institutions to finance overseas projects .

  7. 泗洪农村合作银行核心竞争力的实证分析借助AHP方法对泗洪农村合作银行核心竞争力情况作了实证分析。

    We use the AHP method for empirical analysis for the competitive power of Rural Cooperative Banks in Sihong County .

  8. 荷兰合作银行资深乳制品分析师提姆亨特(TimHunt)表示:自三聚氰胺危机以来,中国奶粉进口增长了一倍以上。

    China 's milk powder imports have more than doubled since the melamine crisis , says Tim Hunt , senior dairy analyst for Rabobank .

  9. 荷兰合作银行(Rabobank)驻上海奶业分析师MartinWu说,三聚氰胺事件后,中国牛奶质量已有显著改善。

    Martin Wu , dairy analyst for Rabobank in Shanghai , says milk quality in China has improved markedly since the melamine scandal .

  10. 荷兰合作银行近期表示,它为参与伦敦银行间同业拆借利率(Libor)操纵案支付了约11亿美元的罚金。

    Rabobank , the Dutch bank , recently said it paid some $ 1.1 billion for its role in manipulating LIBOR .

  11. 第一,运用PEST模型、分析了××合作银行的政治环境、经济环境、社会文化环境和技术环境;

    First , using the PEST model , has analyzed the Huaxi cooperative bank for political environment , the economic environment , the social culture environment and the technical environment .

  12. 从德意志银行(DeutscheBank)到瑞银(UBS)再到荷兰合作银行(Rabobank),各种老问题和乏善可陈的表现似乎拖累了近乎所有综合性欧洲银行的收益。

    From Deutsche Bank to UBS to Rabobank , it seems that old demons and lackluster performance have hit the purse of nearly every integrated European bank .

  13. 批评者称,2010年,当时的伦敦金融城监管机构&英国金融服务管理局(FSA)本应阻止弗劳尔斯出任合作银行的董事长。

    Critics say the Financial Services Authority , the City regulator at the time , should have barred Mr Flowers from becoming chairman of Co-op Bank in 2010 .

  14. 据资助农业的荷兰合作银行(Rabobank)称,只有不到4%的母猪养殖场符合新标准。

    Less than 4 % of all sow housing meets the new standards , according to Rabobank , which finances agriculture .

  15. 作为民选村长,30岁的钱德拉卡拉(chandrakala)虽然是个文盲,但她仍会定期拜访几公里之外的合作银行。

    As an elected village leader , 30-year-old Chandra Kala makes regular visits to the bank a few kilometres away although she is illiterate .

  16. 荷兰合作银行(Rabobank)全球策略师大卫?纳尔逊(DavidNelson)表示:“当前(美国的收成)灾难是实实在在的,而2008年农作物价格飙升在某种程度上是由投机推动的。”

    David Nelson , global strategist at Rabobank , said : " Today the [ US crop ] disaster is real , whereas to some degree the big run-up in prices in 2008 was speculatively driven . "

  17. 上周五,该公司与日本国际合作银行(jbic)签订了合作协议,将联合向发展中国家提供贷款。

    On Friday it signed a co-operation deal with JBIC , the Japanese finance institution , to offer joint loans to developing nations .

  18. 荷兰合作银行(rabobank)昨日出手拯救了旗下一个陷入困境的结构性投资工具(siv),成为两周来第三家采取类似行动的银行,进一步表明金融市场环境正在恶化。

    Rabobank yesterday became the third bank in the past two weeks to bail out a troubled structured investment vehicle in a further sign of the deteriorating conditions in the financial markets .

  19. 荷兰合作银行(rabobank)驻纽约的大米专家迈克尔怀特海德(michaelwhitehead)补充称:“在多数大米消费量较大,由于大米短缺对社会有着潜在的不稳定影响,促使政府决心构建供应。”

    Michael Whitehead , a rice specialist at Rabobank in New York , added : " the potentially destabilising social effect of rice shortages in most high-consumption countries has strengthened the resolve of governments to build supply . "

  20. 据专注于食品和农业领域的荷兰合作银行(rabobank)表示,2000年以来,中国的乳制品消费翻了一番,2007已达到大约3000万吨。

    Dairy consumption in China has doubled since 2000 , and reached some 30 million tonnes in 2007 , according to Rabobank , the food - and agriculture-focused bank .

  21. 荷兰合作银行(rabobank)高级外汇策略师简福利(janefoley)强调称,欧元区最重大的问题在于,银行和其他投资者在多大程度上能保护自己免受希腊危机进一步负面发展的冲击。

    Jane Foley , senior currency strategist at Rabobank , highlighted that the most significant question for the eurozone was the extent to which banks and other investors had managed to protect themselves from further negative developments in Greece .

  22. 荷兰合作银行(Rabobank)和加拿大多伦多道明银行(Toronto-Dominion)是全球为数不多拥有AAA信用评级的银行。这两家银行累计使用了逾200亿美元Taf贷款。

    Rabobank of the Netherlands and Toronto-Dominion of Canada , two of the only banks in the world with triple A credit ratings , used more than $ 20bn in cumulative Taf loans .

  23. 从非对称信息理论出发,联系泰国农业合作银行(BAAC)的经营实际,笔者认为非对称信息引起的逆向选择和道德风险,是阻碍正规金融机构在农村开展金融业务的重要原因。

    Seeing from the information asymmetry theory , combining the practical operation of Thailand BAAC , the author holds that adverse selection and moral hazard resulted from information asymmetry are the important causes for impeding formal financial institutions providing financial services in rural area .

  24. 特大中心城市组建农村合作银行的可行性

    Feasibility of Setting up Rural Cooperative Banks in Large Central Cities

  25. 投资人为境内商业银行或农村合作银行;

    Being a domestic commercial bank or rural cooperative bank ;

  26. 信用合作银行综合业务处理系统的研究与实现

    Development and Realization of Integrated Network System in Band of Credit Cooperation

  27. 而农村合作银行就是农村信用社改革发展的结果。

    Rural cooperative banks is the result of the reform .

  28. 随着监管机构收紧资本金要求,合作银行的麻烦来了。

    As regulators tightened capital requirements , Co-op Bank faltered .

  29. 农村合作银行经营效率评价指标体系设计

    Operating Efficiency Evaluation Index System of Rural Cooperative Banks

  30. 农村合作银行产权结构的思考

    Reflection on the Property Structure of Rural Cooperative Ban