
  • 网络Cooperative game theory
  1. 在算法中使用了合作博弈论用来提高各个用户的效用和改善系统的整体性能。

    This novel algorithm takes the cooperative game theory to lift user utilities and improve the global performance of the system .

  2. 由于输电网的自然垄断性和规模经济特性,利用合作博弈论分析输电交易最佳联盟方式,用Shapley值对最佳方式下的输电费用进行分配。

    Due to the natural monopolization characteristic and economies of scale of power transmission network , the cooperative game theory is available for determining the best union mode of transmission transactions , and the Shapley value is used to distribute the transmission cost under this mode .

  3. 基于非合作博弈论的多小区OFDMA系统动态资源分配算法研究

    Dynamic Resource Allocation Algorithm for Multi-cell OFDMA Systems Based on Noncooperative Game Theory

  4. 在LTE下行链路中,采用非合作博弈论中的定价机制对多小区OFDMA系统的功率分配进行建模。

    In the LTE downlink , utilize pricing mechanism in non-cooperative game theory modeling power allocation of the multi-cell OFDMA system .

  5. 非合作博弈论对气象产业经济发展的启示

    Enlightenment of Non-cooperation Game Theory to Economic Development of Meteorological Industry

  6. 包括,供需关系理论、信息不对称经济学以及信息搜寻非合作博弈论三个方面。

    Information asymmetry economics and information search cooperative game theory .

  7. 合作博弈论刚好为这两者提供了很好的理论模型。

    The Game Theory provides a proper theoretical modal to these two aspects .

  8. 而合作博弈论中的解概念是收益分配的一个重要解决方案。

    Fortunately , solution concepts in game theory is an efficient approach to solve this problem .

  9. 所以,本文针对合作博弈论中的一些解概念的复杂性进行了详细的讨论。

    Therefore , the computa-tional complexity of some solution concepts has been studied in this paper .

  10. 非合作博弈论已经成为经济学研究一项重要工具,在现代经济学中有着诸多应用。

    Non-cooperation game theory has been an important tool in economy research and variously applied in modern economics .

  11. 以合作博弈论为基础构建了粮食合作安全模型,并从理论和实践两方面分析与佐证了粮食合作安全模式的合理性。

    Use the TFS matrix , this thesis evaluated the nine factors in the three fields of food security one by one .

  12. 将非合作博弈论和定价机制引入后,该优化问题可转化为在每个子信道上独立地进行功率分配。

    Then , by applying non-cooperative game and pricing theories , the optimization is transformed into the case where power is independently allocated on each sub-channel .

  13. 然而,合作博弈论最终找到了用武之地:在一群人中使用计算机化的拍卖授予资产或者签订合同。

    However , co-operative game theory is finally coming into its own in a world where computerised auctions are used to award assets or contracts in clusters .

  14. 合作博弈论是当今一热门经济理论,如何用之对企业的竞争发展进行分析也是本论文的一主要内容。

    The cooperative game is the major economic theory , and how to use this theory to analyze the competition development is the main content of this thesis .

  15. 如何解决关键问题:以合作博弈论为基础,通过建立合作博弈数学模型、沙普利值及一致许可值利益分配机制米解决合作的关键问题。

    How to solve the key problem : solve the main problem by establishing the Mathematical model of the cooperative game , Shapley value and license value agreement .

  16. 我们借鉴合作博弈论中纳什议价解公平性准则,保证了接入点和用户两个级别上的公平性。

    We adopt Nash bargain solution fairness criterion in our scheme , which ensures a good tradeoff between fairness and efficiency on both the AP-level and the user-level .

  17. 沙普利是研究合作博弈论的重要人物。数十年来,合作博弈论看上去既抽象又毫无意义,与常规博弈论之间关联甚少。

    Mr Shapley is one of the key figures in co-operative game theory , which for decades looked both abstract and pointless , a poor relation to regular game theory .

  18. 本文运用公司所有权结构理论、非合作博弈论和效用函数具体分析了控股股东和少数股东间的利益冲突。

    Through theory of company ownership structure , game theory of non-cooperation and efficiency constant , the article analyzes the system of benefit conflicts between controlling shareholders and minority stockholders .

  19. 本文第二章将合作博弈论应用于班轮运输市场,从组建联盟的潜在动机和原因以及联盟企业的最优化经济行为两个方面分析班轮运输航运联盟。

    In chapter two the author applies the cooperative game theory to analyze the shipping alliance , the conduct of liner shipping company , in the potential motive of it and its members ' optimization economic behavior .

  20. 本文首先介绍了非合作博弈论的基本结构和分析方法,随后分别就现代寡占理论和信息经济学的研究内容、研究思想和一些重要结论作了简要评介;

    Firstly this paper introduces the basic structure and the analyzing method of non-cooperative game theory and later it reviews the studying contents , the studying thoughts and some important conclusions of modern incomplete monopoly theory and information economics .

  21. 基于企业社会责任论、共生理论和合作博弈论,首先分析了企业与其所属的共生群落通过共生协作产生持续增长的共生新能量,并实现财务共生效应。

    Based on corporate social responsibility theory , symbiosis theory and cooperative game theory , this article analyzes that the corporation and its symbiotic community could produce increasing symbiotic new energy persistently through the symbiotic collaboration and could realize financial symbiotic effect .

  22. 本文围绕如何高效合理地管理和调度网格资源,主要做了如下研究工作:1、基于合作博弈论,探讨了如何将资源提供者形成网格虚拟组织联盟,来实现资源的组合利用。

    The major research works are below : 1 . Based on the coalitional game theory , we discuss how to make the grid resource providers form the grid virtual organization ( VO ) which is able to provide the composite resource .

  23. 针对确定交易规模、不定交易价格的合约谈判方式,首次采用非合作博弈论的贝叶斯均衡概念,讨论了合约价格形成的理性条件,并指出这种模式存在贝叶斯均衡解。

    With the negotiation means of certain transaction and uncertain transaction price , this paper adopts such concepts as Bayesian equilibrium of non-corporate game theory , discusses the rational conditions of contract price formation , and points out it has Bayesian equilibrium .

  24. 博弈论具有全局优化的特点,特别是在多种因素共存的情况下这种全局优化的特点更加显著。因此论文选择了非合作博弈论来优化基站的发射功率。

    Game theory possesses the advantage of global optimization . This advantage is especially remarkable in the case of a variety of influence factors existence , so this paper chooses non-cooperative game theory to optimize the transmission power of the base stations .

  25. 冲突与合作是博弈论研究的两大基本问题。

    Conflict and cooperation are the two fundamental issues in game theory .

  26. 区域经济合作的博弈论分析

    Regional Economic Cooperation s and the Cores

  27. 博弈论作为一种理论研究工具,使人类深刻地认识到文化演化的复杂性、叠加性、建构性,特别是通过例如奥曼和谢林的对人们的冲突与合作的博弈论分析。

    Game theory makes humanity deeply understand complexity of culture as a tool of study of theory , especially , Aumann and Schelling analyse conflict and cooperation about economic activity of humanity as game theory .

  28. 当代经济学越来越转向人与人关系的研究,特别是人与人之间行为的相互影响和相互作用、人与人之间利益和冲突、竞争与合作,博弈论是研究这些问题最合适的工具。

    Researches in the modern economics are shifting towards interpersonal relations , especially the interpersonal influence , interest and conflict , competition and cooperation . The game theory is the most suitable tool for researching these issues .

  29. 构建了一个农民合作的演化博弈论分析框架。

    To construct one framework of evolution game in analyzing the peasant cooperation .

  30. 高校与企业的技术创新合作可以用博弈论中的委托&代理关系进行分析;

    The innovation cooperation can be analyzed with the consign-agency relation in gaming theory .