
  1. 他总吃朋友的便宜饭。

    He 's always cadging meals from his friends .

  2. “别吃朋友”愿与您共同努力,给动物朋友们带来温暖。

    Please join us and bring love and warmth to animals – our friends .

  3. “别吃朋友”由一群因为怜爱动物而开始素食的年轻人组成。

    DON 'T EAT FRIENDS is a group consisting of young people who turned vegetarians out of love and compassion for nonhuman animals .

  4. 现今演唱会中亦有动保寓意的行为艺术、视觉展示等活动,并时有美味素食让观众品尝。“别吃朋友”愿与您共同努力,给动物朋友们带来温暖。

    In the concerts , you can also enjoy animal protection related performance art and vision art and at times have a taste of delicious vegetarian food .

  5. 狠话放出,男孩立即严肃,说我有病,竟然幻想吃他的朋友!

    After my tough words out , the boy will be seriousness immediately and say I am sick that fantasy to eat his friends !

  6. 冈古力的病人帕尔玛‧波斯瓦(PalmerPosvar)的丈夫韦斯利(Wesley)说,帕尔玛在五十多岁的时候开始拿别人盘子里的东西来吃、向朋友借钱,还想把家传珠宝拿去典当。

    Palmer Posvar , a patient of Dr. Ganguli 's , was in her 50s when she started taking food off other people 's plates , asking to borrow money from friends and trying to pawn heirloom jewelry , said her husband , Wesley .

  7. 动物是我的朋友,我不会去吃我的朋友。

    Animals are my friends * and I don 't eat my friends .

  8. 一起听爵士乐、吃披萨的朋友,还有…

    Friends who listen to jazz ... friends who eat pizza . Friends who ....

  9. 你给所有邀请来吃晚饭的朋友打过电话了吗?

    Have you phoned up all the friends that you want to invite to dinner ?

  10. 看着我们吃你的朋友?

    While we eat your friends ?

  11. 我…我还以为你们想……吃我的朋友。

    I thought that you were gonna ... You know , you know , eat my friend .

  12. 周三,我跟一位刚离婚的朋友吃午餐,朋友正努力重新开始新的生活。

    On Wednesday I went to lunch with a friend who is struggling to reshape her life after divorce .

  13. 我认识许多不再不吃早餐的朋友,他们也仅仅是喝咖啡或者橙汁。

    I know plenty of friends who end up having no breakfast altogether , and have just coffee or orange juice .

  14. 我曾经以为感恩节就是大家在一起吃火鸡或者朋友聚会。

    I thought it 's just the day to eat turkey and having party , but it 's not going that way .

  15. “来跟我吃早饭去,朋友。”他说。

    " Come and have breakfast , mate ," he said .

  16. 袁媛:要是我像你这样,想吃什么就吃什么,男朋友会说我的!

    Yuan Yuan : If I do eat whatever I want like you , my boyfriend will definitely blame me .

  17. 有些商店制作了小型“象棋月饼”,顾客可以在中秋夜边吃月饼边和朋友下象棋。

    Some shops make smaller sized " chess mooncakes . " Consumers can play chess with friends on Mid-Autumn night while eating them .

  18. 因为平时都是自己吃自己的,朋友有那么多东西,自己吃多无聊啊。

    Because is all oneself to eat the own at ordinary times , the friend has so many things , oneself eat much boring .

  19. 然而西方人往往极度反对吃人类最好的朋友,中国吃狗肉的传统可以追溯到大约500年前。

    While Westerners often react in outrage to the idea of eating man 's best friend , the Chinese tradition of eating dog meat dates back to around 500 years .

  20. 当她离开以后,你可以赶紧做那些事情,或者你看电视,吃零食,给朋友打电话,就耽误了妈妈让你做的事情。

    When you see her leave , you can get busy doing those chores , or you can watch tv , have a snack , call a friend , and delay your job .

  21. 在旅馆吃早饭和在室外小餐馆吃小吃也是交朋友的好朋友。

    Having breakfast at your hotel and snacking at outdoor cafes are also conducive to making friends while munching .