
sī fǎ wén shū
  • judicial document
  1. 刑事司法文书叙事的详述与略述

    On Detailed Narration and Brief Narration in Judicial Document

  2. 司法文书教学中的逆向思维

    Converse Thinking in the Teaching of Judicial Document

  3. 贝斯:我以为他只是个司法文书递送员吧。

    Beth : I thought that guy was a process server .

  4. 《司法文书》课程教学模式探讨

    On the Teaching Pattern of the Course of Judicial Documents

  5. 案件事实、法律理由、秉公执法就是司法文书的“事”、“理”、“情”。

    Attribute of the fact of a case and its news coverage ;

  6. 经调解达成的调解协议具有准司法文书的效力。

    The achieved agreement after intercession is as valid as the quasi-judicial writ .

  7. 论司法文书的事、理、情

    On Fact , Reason and Feeling in Legal Documents

  8. 第三部分法律修辞方法,分析了该案司法文书中所运用的法律修辞方法。

    The third part legal rhetoric , analyzed the legal rhetoric used in judicial documents .

  9. 关于向国外送达民事或商事司法文书和司法外文书公约

    Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extrajudicial Documents in Civil or Commercial Matters

  10. 我国涉外民商事司法文书送达难的成因及解决路径

    Reasons and Solutions of Difficulties of Service Abroad of Judicial Documents in Civil and Commercial Matters

  11. 鉴定文书作为一种司法文书,要保证其法律的严肃性、公正性;

    As a kind of judicial documents , forensic examination reports should have the character of seriousness and impartiality ;

  12. 司法文书是具有法律效力的文书,具有严谨、完整、统一、自然的特点。

    Judicature document , with the characteristics of precise , integrated , united and natural , bas legal effect .

  13. 刑事判决书既具有司法文书的一般特征,又有刑事司法性这一独特特性。

    It not only has the common characteristics of judicial documents , but also the unique characteristics of criminal justice .

  14. 其次,从历史回顾的角度,论述了裁判文书说理性是司法文书的必然要素。

    Second , this thesis from the historical reviewing perspective discusses that reasoning of civil judgment is inevitable element of judicial documents .

  15. 司法文书送达程序是诉讼程序的重要组成部分,送达的有效性直接影响案件的效力和效率。

    Service of legal documents is an essential part of judicial procedure and its effectiveness directly affect the force and efficiency of the case .

  16. 有的人和单位,伪造、变造、篡改法律、法规、司法文书的行为,在社会上已造成恶劣影响。

    These actions that someone and units counterfeit , transform , tamper with laws , rules and juridical documents have caused abominable infections in society .

  17. 尽管起诉书是一种格式化司法文书,但其事实部分很难有一定之规,在很大程度上依靠实践经验。

    The description part of the facts of crime in indictment is difficult to standardize and much depends on experiences , although indictment is one of standard judiciary documents .

  18. 定期宣判的,宣判后立即发给判决书。我国涉外民商事司法文书送达难的成因及解决路径

    Where a judgment is pronounced on a fixed date , a copy of the written judgment shall be issued immediately after the pronouncement . Reasons and Solutions of Difficulties of Service Abroad of Judicial Documents in Civil and Commercial Matters

  19. 审判阶段因为有控诉、辩护、审判三方的共同参与,辩护律师在此阶段的获得通知权、辩论权、提出证据权、质询权、司法文书获取权基本上能得到保障。

    At the stage of trial the lawyer 's rights such as acquiring notices , arguing , proposing evidence , inquiring and acquiring judicial documents could be ensured basically as a result of the common participation of the defence , the procuratorial authority and the court .

  20. 司法裁判文书的事理与法理的勾连

    Collaboration between Reason and Jurisprudence in Judicial Adjudicative Document

  21. 试论司法鉴定文书的规范化

    On the Standardization of the Judicial Identified Document

  22. 从模糊到精确&对司法裁判文书中模糊语言的规制

    From Vagueness to Accuracy : & The Standardized Application of Vagueness in the Judicial Judgment Documents

  23. 当前,我国司法鉴定文书的内容、形式不规范的现象并不鲜见。

    At present , the contents and forms of the judicial identified documents in our country are not very standard .

  24. 司法裁判文书是司法机关代表国家行使审判权的体现,不仅承载着法律的意志,也承载着法官的经验与智慧。

    Judicial adjudicative document embodies that the judicial bodies standing for the country exercise the adjudicative power , which bears not only the will of law , but also the judges ' experience and wisdom .

  25. 我国有限判例法制度的构建应该包括判例的效力、判例的创制主体、创制程序、判例的变更和废止、司法裁判文书的改革等内容。

    The construction of the limited case law system should include contents like , the effect of case law , the subject , the process , the alteration and abolishment , the reform of judicatory , judgment , etc.

  26. 因而,我国司法裁判文书改革既要合理设计文书格式,提高司法语言的运用水平,也要关注裁判文书背后的司法经验与智慧以及司法制度因素。

    Therefore , the reform of judicial adjudicative document not only should design the document form reasonably , raise the level of applying the legal language , but also should pay attention to the judicial experience and wisdom behind the judicial adjudicative document and the judicial system .

  27. 论司法机关法律文书中的语言运用

    On Language Application of Legal Documents in Judicial Agencies

  28. 司法权威与裁判文书的论证改革

    Legal Authority and Reform of Argument in Court - verdict Texts

  29. 现代司法理念与裁判文书创新

    On Innovation of Judicial Documents and Modern Judicial Ideas

  30. 事实上,我国现有的司法制度、司法文书格式基本上是全盘照搬西方模式,与古代是完全脱节的。

    In fact , the judicial system and court verdict format of our country is featuring the abroad law indiscriminately , and disjoints completely with ancient .