
  1. 叶灵凤《拿撒勒人》中的弥赛亚与超人情结

    Messiah in Nazarene by Ye Lingfeng and Complex of Superman

  2. 叶灵凤编纂创造社、幻社、现代书局等刊物,这为他的创作面世提供了契机。

    Such as compiling modern publishing publication , which providing opportunities available for his creation .

  3. 在艺术形式上,叶灵凤小说的主要特色是灵活精巧和清奇怪异。

    As to the artistic form , Yie Lingfeng ′ s novels are characterized by its flexibity , delicacy , originality and strangeness .

  4. 叶灵凤是中国现代文学史上的重要作家,是中国现代文学史上一个独特的存在。

    Ye Ling feng was an important writer in modern Chinese literature history . He was an unique literature existence of Chinese modern literature history .

  5. 另一方面论述了叶灵凤创作的文化语境,并把他置于中国现代情爱文学的发展脉络和海派文学的背景中加以考察,分析其得失。

    This dissertation also analyzes the culture circumstance where Ye wrote his novels , and expounds Ye 's novels against the backgrounds of Hai-school literature and Chinese romantic literature .

  6. 叶灵凤小说运用中国古典文学创作的意境说,在浪漫主义外衣下更深入地体现人物的真实思想感情;神秘、幽冥的特征也使他的作品给人以想象的空间。

    The beautiful artistic conception reflected the real thoughts and feelings of characters in his novels . With writing romantic , mysterious , and the characteristics of the nether world , bringing imagination to people .