
  • 网络Epic;epic film
  1. 他新拍的电影非常值得一看,但不能和他以前的两部史诗片相比。

    His new film is highly Watchable but not in the same league as his first two epics .

  2. 电影先驱者塞西尔·B·戴维尔,导演了《圣女贞德》和《十诫》这样的史诗片,看到了大众娱乐业的潜力。

    Film pioneer Cecil B. Deville saw the potential for mass entertainment , directing such epics such as Joan of Arc and The Ten Commandments .

  3. 3D科幻史诗片《阿凡达》在俄罗斯上映还不到三周,就已经成为该国有史以来最成功的影片,截至目前的票房收入为5550万美元。

    Less than three weeks after ' Avatar ' hit theaters , the high-tech science fiction epic is already the most successful movie ever in Russia , with $ 55.5 million in box-office receipts .

  4. 《神奇动物:格林德沃之罪》的续集原计划于今年夏天开拍,但Deadline报道称,由于需要更多时间进行这部巫师史诗片的前期制作,该片已被推迟至2019年底。

    The sequel to Fantastic Beasts : The Crimes of Grindelwald was originally set to begin filming this summer , but Deadline reports that this has now been pushed back to late 2019 after more time was needed for pre-production of the wizard epic .

  5. 观众给这部由罗素・克劳(RussellCrowe)主演影片的评价证明了该片两极分化的特点。这部影片将一段简单的经故事改编成了好莱坞史诗片,自由发挥的程度很高。

    Moviegoers ' grades for the Russell Crowe release spoke to the polarizing nature of the film , which took significant liberties with the original text to adapt a spare biblical story into a Hollywood epic .

  6. 公司人士透露,这部史诗片是关于东西方的碰撞,第一季有10集,耗资9000万美元,不仅是Netflix迄今斥资最多的原创剧,也是目前最昂贵的剧集之一。

    At about $ 90 million for the first season 's 10 episodes , according to industry executives , the East-meets-West epic is not only Netflix 's most expensive original production to date , but also one of the most expensive series today .

  7. 上个星期,侯孝贤在台北通过Skype接受了采访,谈起他为新片《刺客聂隐娘》所做的艰苦的研究工作。这是一部以唐朝为背景的武侠史诗片,将于5月21日在第68届戛纳电影节上首映。

    In a Skype interview from Taipei last week , Mr. Hou spoke of the painstaking research efforts undertaken for his newest film , " The Assassin , " a Tang Dynasty-era martial arts epic set to premiere on May 21 at the 68th annual Cannes festival .

  8. 很多演员都希望出演史诗片。

    So many actors want to be in epic movie .

  9. 随着英雄史诗片的继续发展,英雄史诗题材影片应运而生。

    Whit the development of the hero epic film , the film of heroic epic theme is created .

  10. 这部电影的主创人员一定非常享受拍摄过程,看到一部夏季史诗片呈现如此轻松的基调感觉很不错。

    The people who made this movie must have had a swell time in the process , and it 's nice to see a summer epic that takes itself so unseriously .

  11. 英雄史诗片的取材范围超过了英雄史诗,但是它和英雄史诗始终保持着相同的思维特点和风格。

    The stories of hero epic films are beyond that of hero epics . But the hero epic and the hero epic film has the same thinking characteristics and the same style .

  12. 导演吴宇森将人们对战争史诗片《赤壁》的狂热推向了高潮,其续集将成为华语电影史上票房最好的影片。

    The fervor over the war epic " Red Cliff " is building to a crescendo with director John Woo set to present a sequel to the most bankable Chinese film in history .

  13. 在顽皮的史诗片《外星奇遇》(Kin-dza-dza!,1986年上映)中,一个莫斯科人外出去买意大利面,却被意外地进行了心灵传送,和一个困惑的格鲁吉亚学生一起被送到遥远的沙漠。

    In the cheeky epic " Kin-dza-dza ! " ( 1986 ) , a Muscovite goes out to buy macaroni only to find himself accidentally teleported , alongside a bewildered Georgian student , to a distant desert land .

  14. 准备好再次重温《泰坦尼克号》中的那些经典台词吧!4月10日,这部于1997年上映的史诗爱情片以全新3D形式再度登陆各大影院。

    Prepare to hear that famous line repeatedly as Titanic , the 1997 epic romance , is relaunched into theaters on April 10 – complete with a 3-D makeover .

  15. 《拯救大兵瑞恩》是1998年上映的一部美国史诗战争片,由史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格导演,故事背景设在二战期间的诺曼底登陆战。

    Saving Private Ryan Saving Private Ryan directed by Steven Spielberg is a 1998 American epic war drama film set during the Invasion of Normandy in World War II .

  16. 任何一天,都能在这里看到几十个剧组。像《舞蹈之外》这种有古代故事情节的“史诗”片,要在附近村子里的制片厂摄制,而讲述现代生活的“时髦”片则把城市本身当作布景。

    On any given day , a dozen crews can be found here - " epic " films with ancient story lines like " Beyond the Dance " are in the works in nearby villages , while " glamour " movies about modern life make the city itself their sets .

  17. 两位名不见经传的英国电影制片人,在德比郡为中国史诗战争动作片《英雄帝国》拍了一支预告片,希望能够成功吸引来好莱坞的注意。

    Two unknown British filmmakers have captured the imagination of Hollywood with a trailer filmed in Derbyshire for their action war epic The Lost Emperor .

  18. 在流行文化中,“天下”的概念在张艺谋(中国最著名的导演之一)史诗般的武侠片——《英雄》中赫然耸现。该片以秦统一中国时期为背景,曾经在2002年上映。

    In popular culture , tianxia loomed large in " Hero , " an epic martial-arts film by Zhang Yimou , one of China 's best-known directors , set at the time of the Qin unification and released in 2002 .