
tái biān
  • ringside
  1. 英国最顶尖的教练大都坐在台边区。

    Most of the top British trainers were at the ringside .

  2. 我们坐在拳击比赛紧靠台边的座位。

    We had seats by the ringside for the boxing match .

  3. 沃兹就在工作台边,他立刻就开始展示AppleII,”马库拉回忆说,

    Woz was at the workbench and immediately began showing off the Apple II , " Markkula recalled .

  4. 在海耶斯谷店,品茶会在一个吧台边举行,该吧台由一条20英尺长被风刮倒的红杉木制成,是雅各布斯的好友——木匠迈克尔•迪肯(MichaelDeakin)安装的。

    In Hayes Valley they 're held at the bar , a 20-foot-long slice of wind-fallen redwood installed by woodworker and friend Michael Deakin .

  5. 匹兹堡大学(UniversityofPittsburgh)理疗学副教授珍妮弗&12539;布拉克(JenniferBrach)说,强健臀部肌肉,这是保持平衡感的重要环节,这项运动可在厨房操作台边完成。

    Strengthening the hips an important component of preserving balance can be done next to the kitchen counter , says Jennifer Brach , an associate professor of physical therapy at the University of Pittsburgh .

  6. 2006年,拉巴奇开设了特蕾西帝王蟹小饭馆(Tracy’sKingCrabShack,kingcrabshack.com),这个朴素的饭馆以诚待客,顾客们能看到灶台边的厨师们,特别是店主本人。

    In 2006 , Ms. LaBarge opened Tracy 's King Crab Shack ( kingcrabshack . com ) , a modest stand with an honest approach , including making the cooks , and especially the proprietor herself , visible at the stove .

  7. 你不能那么靠在台边上。

    You can 't lay up on the ropes like that .

  8. 演讲结束时,一位年轻人走到讲台边。

    At the end , a young man approached the podium .

  9. 我知道是你干的&在杂志柜台边。

    I know you did & at the magazine counter .

  10. 他坐在吧台边吃早餐。

    He sits at the counter to eat his breakfast .

  11. 一名引座员把他们领到离表演场台边区三排远的座位上。

    An usher led them to their seats three rows from the ringside .

  12. 弗里曼又一次把他逼向台边。

    Foreman again pushing him against the ropes .

  13. 阿瑟坐在吧台边休息。

    Arthur sat at the bar and rested .

  14. 他经常一个人过来在吧台边坐下。

    He used to come around by himself and sit down in a bar .

  15. 他在工作台边工作。

    He is working at a taBle .

  16. 父亲正坐在厨房大餐桌旁摆弄渔网,多拉在灶台边忙碌着,准备开饭。

    His father sat at the big kitchen table , working on a fishing net .

  17. 这位前经理进到里面,径直走到办公室里办事员的写字台边。

    Inside went the ex-manager and straight to an office off the clerk 's desk .

  18. 您介不介意坐柜台边的座位呢?

    Would you mind counter seats ?

  19. 而唐金为了讨好小梅,甚至提供两个著名的保镖陪梅威瑟坐在拳台边。

    King is even providing two famous " bodyguards " to sit with Mayweather at ringside .

  20. 请移过去一个位子好吗?另一位客人想坐在吧台边。

    Could you move along one seat , please ? Another guest wishes to sit at the bar .

  21. 她往起居室里看去,写字台边一片狼籍。

    Looking into the drawing room , she saw a scene of confusion over by her writing desk .

  22. 他们从柜台边一堆油腻腻的铁托盘里,各自取了一只。

    Each of them took a greasy metal tray from a pile at the end of the counter .

  23. 你可以从坐在电梯旁柜台边的楼层服务员那儿领取钥匙。

    You can collect the key to the room from the floor attendant at a counter near the elevator .

  24. 大卫从布莱克先生的房间里出来,看到希拉坐在大办公室的写字台边。

    When David comes out of Mr. Blake 's room he finds Sheila at a desk in the general office .

  25. “看,”她轻声说,顺着她的眼神,我向梳妆台边望去。

    " Look ," she said softly , her eyes directing me to a spot on the floor beside the dresser .

  26. 然后她就转回客厅去了。阿切尔又进来时发现她正站在壁炉台边对镜自赏。

    Then she turned to the drawing-room , where archer , on re-entering it , found her standing by the mantelpiece , examing herself in the mirror .

  27. 但是她摇了摇头。“我得走了。”她说着用手提着自己的裙子飘向了露台边的楼梯。

    " I must leave now ," she said , catching up her skirts with one hand and drifting toward the stairs at the side of the terrace .

  28. 洗漱台边玉立的一棵发财树,亭亭如盖,顷刻间暖和四周每个冰冷的角落。

    One of the Yu Li side the stage that wash gargle gets rich tree , if erect is built , all round the warmth between instantly every frozen corner .

  29. 由于施工过程中采用的措施得当,保证了英雄坡及烽火台边坡支护的稳定和安全。

    Because in the construction process uses the measure was appropriate , has guaranteed the heroic slope and the beacon tower side slope supports and protections stability and the insecurity .

  30. 酒吧常客和酒保最腻味的就是一大夥人堵在吧台边,一边聊著一边又犹豫不知喝什麽酒好。

    Nothing irritates the regular customers and bar staff more than a gang of strangers blocking all access to the bar while they chat and dither about what to order .