
  • 网络Taiwan Food;Taiwanese Food
  1. 台湾食品产业2003年回顾及2004年展望

    2003 review and 2004 outlook of Taiwan food industry

  2. 台湾食品工业发展经验及借鉴

    Taiwan Food Industry Development Experience and Model

  3. 台湾食品安全监管体系与质量认证简介

    Introduction of Food Safety Supervision System and Quality Certification in Taiwan

  4. 台湾食品工业发展现状

    Current status of Taiwan food industry

  5. 在一系列台风过后,台湾食品不断上涨,导致通胀有所抬头。

    Inflation has picked up in Taiwan because of rising food prices following a series of typhoons .

  6. 台湾食品工业

    Food Industry in Taiwan

  7. 台湾食品受塑化剂污染,环境化验可以优惠价格提供相关测试服务。

    Due to the recent outbreak of food safety issue of Taiwanese food products , Enviro Labs now provides special offer for testing plasticisers ( including DHEP / DINP ) in foods .

  8. 由于卷入一起大量销售劣质食用油的丑闻,台湾食品业的一名大亨面临130多项指控,可能被判处至多30年的刑期。

    A Taiwanese food industry tycoon faces more than 130 charges carrying a possible sentence of up to 30 years in prison in connection with a scandal over the widespread sale of substandard cooking oil .

  9. 通过对台湾食品工业发展历程及主要经验的分析,提出加快大陆农产品加工业发展必须在建立五个体系方面有所突破。

    This article through to Taiwan food industry development course and main experience analysis , Proposed speeds up the mainland agricultural product processing industry development to have to establish " five systems " the aspect to have the breakthrough .

  10. 现年57岁的魏应充(WeiYing-chung)是这起丑闻中面临起诉的最出名嫌疑人。丑闻的曝光使得人们纷纷质疑台湾的食品安全,以及该地出口食品的质量。

    Wei Ying-chung , 57 , is the highest-profile suspect to face prosecution over revelations that have raised widespread questions about the safety of food in Taiwan and the quality of its food exports .

  11. 台湾低温食品产业现况与发展

    Status and development of cold store & frozen food in Taiwan

  12. 进入成熟期的台湾冷冻食品市场

    Taiwan forzen food market enters mature period

  13. 实证结果发现台湾地区食品与饮料制造业在1996及2001年之市场集中度、广告密集度及厂商利润率的关系有所转变;

    The results show that relationships among concentration , advertising , and profitability of food and beverage industry are different in1996 and2001 .

  14. 最近台湾因发现食品添加塑化剂问题越演越烈。

    The problem of food products added plasticizer was found and getting worsen recently .

  15. 台湾农产食品加工业之发展

    Development of Taiwan agricultural food processing industry

  16. 日本和台湾的健康食品市场

    Nutraceuticals markets in Japan and Taiwan

  17. 上个月当政府检测人员对运动型饮料以及软饮料检测到工业塑化剂的危害程度时,台湾空前巨大的食品恐慌开始了。

    TAIWAN 'S biggest-ever food scare began when government inspectors testing sports drinks and soft drinks last month detected dangerous levels of industrial plasticisers .

  18. 台湾塑化剂风波还在蔓延,前一天台湾食品业龙头老大统一集团被曝出旗下3种运动饮料、芦笋汁和7-SELECT低钠运动饮料中含有塑化剂。芦笋汁已经销往大陆。

    Yesterday , Taiwans leading food company United Group has been discovered 3 kinds of products Bao Jian sports drinks , asparagus juice and 7 - SELECT sodium sports drink contaminated by plasticizers , including asparagus juice has been exported to the mainland .