
  • 网络minable coal seam
  1. 本研究对CO2在不可采煤层中地质储存及置换驱替煤层瓦斯均具有重要的理论意义与应用价值。

    This study on non-coal layer carbon dioxide geological storage and the replacement drive for coal seam gas are of great theoretical significance and application value .

  2. 大部分可采煤层受底板奥灰突水威胁。

    Most minable seams are threatened by floor limestone aquifer .

  3. 湘中主要可采煤层异地成煤的依据

    Criteria for heterotopic formation of major workable coal seams in Middle Hunan Province

  4. 新华勘探区可采煤层赋存特征及变化规律

    Storage charaters of mining coal seam in Xinhua exploration field and change rule

  5. 主要可采煤层形成于曲流河体系的岸后沼泽;

    The main workable coal beds were formed in back swamp of meandering river system ;

  6. 介绍了鹤岗煤田的地质概况,并对主要可采煤层的一些比较明显的特征进行了对比。

    The geology survey of Hegang coal field are introduced and some obvious characters of workable seam are compared .

  7. 并根据煤质特征指出了上述可采煤层的主要用途及其利用过程中应注意的主要问题。

    The main utilization of above six coal seams , as well as mian problems in the process of coal utilization is pointed .

  8. 临沂煤田晚古生代煤系最大厚度400米,本溪组不含可采煤层,太原组及山西组为主要可采层段,尤以山西组可采性更普遍。

    The largest thickness of Late Palaeozoic coal measures is over 400 meters at Linyi coal-field . Benxi group contains no minable seam .

  9. 此外,还详细讨论了沉积环境对义马组主要可采煤层2_3煤和2_1煤煤厚和煤质的影响。

    This paper discusses in detail the influence of the sedimentary environments onthe thickness and quality of the major minable seams ( 2 3 and 2 1 seams ) .

  10. 通过对可采煤层变化特征及富煤带、聚煤中心分布特征的分析,简述鸡西盆地城子河组煤层聚煤规律。

    Through analysed workable coal seam change features , coal-rich zone , the distribution features of coal accumulation Center , describe the pattern of Chengzihe River Formation in Jixi Coal Basin .

  11. 龙潭组是金沙井田的主要含煤地层,含煤达12~15层,其中7、8、9、11、12五层煤较稳定,为主要可采煤层。

    Longtan Formation is the main coal-bearing strata in Jinsha minefield , contains 12-15 coal seams . Among them , five main mineable coal seams of Nos. 7,8,9,11 and 12 are rather stable .

  12. 根据井田勘探施工钻孔采取的136个煤样的煤质测试结果,对贵州大方背斜南东翼可采煤层煤中硫的特征及其成因进行了分析。

    Based on the study of coal property measurement results of 136 samples from coal field exploration , the sulfur content and its forming mechanism in the recoverable coal seams in south-eastern wing of Dafang anticline are analyzed .

  13. 煤层埋藏远低于当地最低侵蚀基准面,围岩以粉砂岩、细砂岩及泥质粉砂岩为主,主可采煤层共计15层,多分布于龙潭组中。

    Coals are , far below the local base level of erosion in mining area , buried in the siltstone , fine sandstone and pelitic siltstone . There total are 15 layers major workable coal , and most of them are included in the Longtan formation .

  14. 山西组以砂岩、粉砂岩、泥岩为主,石灰岩仅在局部地区见到,该组厚18.60-213.25m,含可采煤层1-2层,厚度0-10.0m,平均4.20m。

    The Shanxi Formation consists of sandstones , siltstones , mudstones and coals , with the limestones being locally developed . The thickness of the Shanxi Formation is from 18.6 m to 213.25 m , with the thicknesses of coal seams being from 0 to 10 m and averaging 4.2m .