
  • 网络Visual Tools;visualization tool
  1. GIS为电子政务提供清晰易读的可视化工具;

    GIS provides the visualization tools for electronic government ;

  2. 探讨了一种基于ModelViewController架构开发基因组序列可视化工具的方法。

    In this paper , a method of developing genome visualization tools is discussed basing on the MVC ( Model-View-Controller ) design pattern .

  3. 借助于可视化工具,仿真结果以3D图形的形式展现出来。

    Simulation results are displayed 3D visual images by using visualization .

  4. 本文采用VISUALBASIC6.0作为可视化工具,来实现用户和管理员不同的操作。

    Using Visual Basic 6.0 as the visual tool , we realize the different operations of users and administrator .

  5. 类图、序列图和数据库方案图使用类似于RationalSoftwareModeler的可视化工具。

    Class , sequence , and database schema diagrams use visual tools similar to Rational Software Modeler .

  6. XFG是一个快速的原型化工具和XMLMessage可视化工具,用于DataStudio中的数据库项目。

    XFG is a rapid prototyping tool and XML Message visualizer for database projects in Data Studio .

  7. 以Arcview为工具,建立了一个水库水质管理信息系统(RWQMIS),提供水质管理的可视化工具。

    With Arc View , we built a reservoir water quality management information system , offered a visual tool for water quality management .

  8. C/C++开发人员和架构师可以利用Rational在这四个产品中提供的大部分可视化工具。

    C / C + + developers and architects can take advantage of most of the visual tools Rational offers in these four products .

  9. Monitor提供了名为BusinessSpace的仪表板,它通过多个交互式可视化工具(称为小部件)为用户提供管理其业务的能力。

    Monitor provides a dashboard known as Business Space , which provides users with the ability to manage their business through multiple interactive visualizations , known as widgets .

  10. 本篇文章将重点放在,能帮助将JPA集成到Web应用程序中的可视化工具上。

    This article focuses on the visual tooling used to help easily integrate JPA into a Web application .

  11. 构建此工具的目的是要扩展新的并行监视窗口(ParallelWatchWindow)的功能,这次发布的包中包含了四种可视化工具,能够帮助你调试多线程的应用程序。

    Built to extend the functionality of the new Parallel Watch Window , the pack includes visual tools to aid in debugging multithreaded applications .

  12. 我确信SCA的可视化工具会不断地发展和改进。

    I am sure the visual tooling for SCA will continue to evolve and improve .

  13. RUP模型设计是修改和管理核心模型的可视化工具。

    RUP Modeler is a visual tool used to modify and manage the core model .

  14. 基于MPI并行程序的性能评测可视化工具

    Visualization Tool for Evaluating Performance of MPI-based Parallel Platform

  15. 基于VRML的可视化工具的研究

    Research of Visualization Tools Based on VRML

  16. Graphviz或GraphVisualization是由AT&T开发的一个开源的图形可视化工具。

    Graphviz , or Graph Visualization , is an open source graph-visualization tool developed at AT & T.

  17. VP^4:基于机群的pvm并行程序性能可视化工具

    VP ^ 4 : Cluster-Based pvm Parallel Programme Performance Visualization Toolkit

  18. 在本文中,将对很多流行的Linux数据可视化工具进行一下调查,并对其中一些工具进行更深入的探讨。

    In this article , I provide a survey of a number of popular Linux data visualization tools and include some insight into their other capabilities .

  19. 其他映射,比如XML到关系结构或者关系结构到XML的映射,可能需要采用强大的SLQ/XML语法来完成,但是,这些是代码级别的结构,不是可视化工具。

    Other mapping , such as XML-to-relational or relational-to-XML , may be done using the powerful SQL / XML syntax , but these are code-level constructs , not visual tools .

  20. 介绍了一种以编译技术,主要是以词法分析和语法分析为基础的开发程序可视化工具的方法,并给出了C语言程序执行可视化工具的实例,以说明该方法的实用性。

    This paper introduces a method of developing visualizing tool based on compiling technology mainly on lexical analysis and parsing , and also describes an implementation of program visualization tool of C language program .

  21. DeveloperWorkbench是一个可视化工具,用于辅助快速开发DB2业务对象,它是免费提供的。

    The Developer Workbench is a visual tool that aids in rapid development of DB2 business objects and is available at no charge .

  22. 它为你提供了全面的静态代码可视化工具并且能够支持多提供商运行时环境,但它是为WebSphere软件最优化的。

    It provides you with sophisticated static code visualization tools and is capable of supporting multi-vendor runtime environments , but is optimized for WebSphere Software .

  23. 这个可视化工具针对的是并行线程数量特别多特别是在GPU上的应用程序。

    The visualizers are intended for applications with extremely high numbers of parallel threads , especially those on GPUs .

  24. 本书提供了读者精通MATLAB所需的工具。作为编程语言和可视化工具,MATLAB具有丰富的一系列功能,可解决工程、科学计算和数学学科中许多问题。

    As a programming language and visualization tools , MATLAB has a rich range of functions , solve engineering , scientific computing and mathematical disciplines , many of the problems .

  25. Voronoi地图可以为田间墒情数据的分布与检查提供可视化工具。

    Voronoi map can provide visualized tool for the drought data distribution and check in the field .

  26. ChrisDavis和Graphite开发团队也已经创建了一个wiki,介绍如何使用这个可视化工具。

    Chris Davis and the Graphite development team have also created a wiki with documentation on how to use the visualization tool .

  27. VMware还发布了SpringInsightOperations,这样运维团队就可以使用SpringInsight了&免费的性能可视化工具,Spring开发者应该会很熟悉该工具。

    VMware has also announced Spring Insight Operations , which it says allows operations teams to leverage Spring Insight , the free performance visualization tool familiar to Spring developers .

  28. 探讨了使用VISUALFOXPRO这种可视化工具在客户机/服务器环境下,开发数据库应用程序的技术和方法。

    In addition , the technology and method about developing database applied program based on client / srever environments by using visual tool & Visual FoxPro are discussed .

  29. VisualStudio、可视化工具和可视化环境使得Azure对于每天使用C和SQLServer的人来说非常亲切和舒服。

    Visual Studio , visual tools , and a visual environment ( do you sense a theme here ?) make Azure approachable and comfortable for people who use C # and SQL Server on a daily basis .

  30. 为了直观、高效地观察图和社区发现结果,基于JAVA平台,利用OpenGL图形编程接口,以力导引方法为布点算法,开发了一个可以动态演示图结构和社区发现结果的可视化工具。

    Basing on JAVA , OpenGL graph programming interface , and force-directed method , we develop a visualization tool for showing dynamically graph structure and community detection consequence so as to make the graph be intuitive .