
  1. 莱拉脸上始终挂着非常可爱的笑容。

    Leila kept smiling her outrageously cute smile .

  2. 她有红色的卷发和可爱的笑容。

    She has curly red hair and a cute smile .

  3. 7.因为你那可爱的笑容

    because of your lovely smile

  4. “想让我把它包起来吗?”女孩问,依然带着可爱的笑容。

    " Would you like me to wrap it for you ?" she asked , smiling her cute smile again .

  5. 在这部动画片中,一休之所以家喻户晓,不仅仅因为智慧,更少不了他的经典形象:光头、明亮且大大的眼睛以及可爱的笑容。

    In the anime , Ikkyu is known not only for his wit , but also his classic image : shaved head , big and bright eyes , and a lovely smile .

  6. 很天真可爱的女孩,笑容很甜,但不知道她的名字。

    Very innocent and charming girl , with a sweet smile , don 't know her name though .

  7. 她露出了一副最可爱、最懂事的笑容。

    She smiled the sweetest , most sensible smile .

  8. 从她爷爷奶奶手中接钱的时候,我又看了一眼小女孩,她正向我展示我所见过的最可爱、最宽大的笑容。

    As I took the money from her grandparents , I looked back at the girl , who was giving me the cutest , largest smile I have ever seen .