
kě quān kě diǎn
  • 熟语very good ;very laudable
  1. 这部电影的结局可圈可点,即使这样也无法掩盖前一个小时想象力贫乏的缺憾。

    Even the film 's impressive finale can 't hide the first hour 's paucity of imagination .

  2. 故事里面的主人公也是可圈可点。

    Inside story of the heroine is also worth noting .

  3. 浆果领域领先的育种公司是FallCreekNursery,表现可圈可点。

    One notable company that is a leading breeder of berries is Fall Creek Nursery .

  4. 在我的测试中,新版iPhone和新操作系统的表现都可圈可点,只有一些小问题。

    In my tests , both the new phone and the new operating system performed well , with a few small exceptions .

  5. 但对一款软件来说,Siri的表现可圈可点。

    But for a piece of software , Siri still does pretty well .

  6. 希腊总理乔治帕潘德里欧(georgepapandreou)过去18个月里的表现确实可圈可点这几乎已是人们所能期望的最佳水平。

    What George Papandreou has done in the past 18 months has been truly impressive one could hardly have expected more .

  7. 我原来预计这些平板电脑都需要喝红牛饮料(RedBull)才能赶得上我日常工作的节奏,包括同时打开10个或更多的网站,然而它们的表现都可圈可点。

    I expected the tablets to need Red Bull to keep up with my daily routine , including having 10 or more websites open at once , yet they held their own .

  8. 实际上,《大吉岭特快》也有可圈可点之处,在影片最后出现的高潮证明了Anderson是一位有才干的导演。

    Actually , there 's a bit in Darjeeling it lasts just a minute or so that shows what Anderson is capable of .

  9. 这些库有一些可圈可点的特性,但是都没有达到JUnit的知名度和市场占有份额。

    These libraries have some features to recommend them , but none have achieved the mind or market share held by JUnit .

  10. 作为曾经的天使投资者,他的投资成绩可圈可点,包括PayPal、Pinterest和Airbnb等。

    And as a former angel investor , his bets include some smart choices : PayPal , pinterest , and airbnb , to name a few .

  11. 拉斯科夫“边做边学”的实验法可圈可点。

    Rascoff has plenty to show for his learning-on-the-job experimentation .

  12. 园中的局部造景手法也颇有可圈可点之处,同时花园中还培植了不少名贵花卉。

    Besides , this garden also had some precious flowers and plants .

  13. 对一台大概7年前就已经推出的产品来说,这个成绩单实在可圈可点。

    Not bad for a device that launched nearly seven years ago .

  14. 美国的学校系统里不乏一些可圈可点的先进事迹。

    AMERICA 'S schools are dotted with stories of progress .

  15. 电影在导演,编剧等都有着许多可圈可点之处。

    Film director , scriptwriter and so have many of the worth noting .

  16. 新队员表现可圈可点。

    The new team members are shaping up well .

  17. 作为职业篮球队员,他的表现真是可圈可点。

    As a perfessional basketball player , his performance is really worth noting .

  18. 安化黑茶文化底蕴深厚,千年茶史可圈可点。

    Anhua dark tea has a rich culture background in the long tea history .

  19. 并非所有展览可圈可点。

    Not all shows were so laudable .

  20. 回首已经过去的虎年,中英经贸合作成果可圈可点。

    The Year of the Tiger has been a robust year for China-UK trade and investment .

  21. 这就使美元上周五在远远好于预期的就业人口报告支撑下的反弹可圈可点。

    That makes Friday 's jump on the back of a way-better-than-expected payrolls report worth noting .

  22. 就承担社会责任而言,当前的大众媒介已有了很大的进步,某些媒体的表现更是可圈可点。

    Nowadays , mass media has already made great progress on it , and some even remarkable .

  23. 和在美国次级证券上的表现不同,评级机构在主权债务评级方面的记录可圈可点。

    Unlike their performance on US mortgages , the agencies have a fairly sound record on sovereign debt .

  24. 与此同时,《路德》在前六集表现可圈可点,也获得了新季预订。

    Meanwhile , Luther has also been renewed , after earning a respectable audience over its six-part run .

  25. 我国新公司法在制度方面有诸多创新,可圈可点。

    There are a lot of innovations in corporate institutions , which are thought highly of by many people .

  26. 正如其热门单曲《放射物》一样,“梦龙”在全球乐坛的影响力可圈可点。

    Their impact on the music industry has been radioactive , just as the title of their hit song suggests .

  27. 尽管中国的减贫成效可圈可点,但多数中国家庭的日常生活仍只是勉强度日而已。

    Despite the remarkable reduction in poverty , daily life for most Chinese families is still a struggle to get by .

  28. 令这个数字更加可圈可点的是,中国出境旅游发展趋势仍处在一个相对早期的阶段。

    And this figure is even more remarkable given that the Chinese outbound tourism trend is at a relatively early stage .

  29. 事实上,叶芝作品中的女性形象以其丰富多彩和反映作者创作心理而变得尤为可圈可点。

    Actually , Yeats'female images are worth of exploration for their colorfulness and richness and these images reflect poet 's creative psychology .

  30. 中国银行和中国建设银行在2004年的股份制改造,给中国金融改革带来了种种可圈可点的变化。

    The reform of the bank of China and China construction bank in 2004 , makes great change to China financial reform .