
kě bǎo lì yì
  • insurable interest
  1. 可保利益的存在时间历来有争论。

    The existing period of insurable interest is argued for long time .

  2. 这里所说的保险利益,是英国法律中的可保利益。

    The insurance interest here is defined as insurable interest in English law .

  3. 保险利益是起源于英美法上的一个概念,英文的术语是InsurableInterest(可保利益)。

    Insurable Interest is a terminology originating from Common Law .

  4. 保险利益应译为可保利益;

    Insured interest should be translated into insurable interest .

  5. 海上保险可保利益原则探析

    On the Doctrine of Insurable Interest in Marine Insurance

  6. 经济可保利益研究

    Economic Interest is the Sole Test of Insurable Interest

  7. 谈人身保险的可保利益

    Talking about the Insured Interests of Personal Insurance

  8. 第四部分围绕可保利益原则的时间效力展开讨论,即可保利益应当在什么时间存在,才能作为评价保险合同效力的因素。

    The last part concerns the temporal effectiveness of the principle of insurable interest .

  9. 当我们区分保险合同利益和可保利益这两个概念的时候,一些争论就会消化于无形。

    When the concepts of insurance contract interest and insurable interest are differentiated , the argument will vanish .

  10. 可保利益新概念带来了某些新问题,尤其是经济可保利益范围的认定问题。

    However , these practices give rise to several new problems , including especially how to delineate the economic interest .

  11. 第二部分主要论述财产保险可保利益的认定标准。

    Second , the principle of insurable interest applied in property insurance is of great difference from that in life insurance .

  12. 本文接着又对可保利益的构成条件进行了分析,并在此基础上辨析了可保利益与保险利益的内在联系与区别。

    Then the necessary conditions involved as well as the differences between the terms insurable interest and insurance interest are listed .

  13. 可保利益&注重,在多数情况下,不是买方就是卖方没有办理保险的义务。

    Insurable Interest – Note that in many cases either the buyer or the seller is not obligated to provide insurance .

  14. [摘要]海上保险中,被保险人对保险标的应当具有可保利益,否则,保险合同无效。

    In marine insurance , the insured must have an insurable interest in subject matter , otherwise , the policy is void .

  15. 根据本法各条规定,与海上冒险有利益关系的每一个人具有可保利益。

    Subject to the provisions Of this Act , every person has an insurable interest who is interested in a marine adventure .

  16. 可保利益的主体在财产保险中是被保险人;在人身保险中是投保人。

    The subject of insurable interest in property insurance is the insurant , while in life insurance it is the insured person .

  17. 可保利益是投保人或被保险人对保险标的因具有各种利害关系而享有的经济利益。

    Insurable the interest is policy-holder or insurant the enjoys because of having all sorts of interests economy benefit to insurance mark .

  18. 经济可保利益原则的确立是新的经济条件下保险本质的回归。

    I believe it is the return to the essence of insurance to establish the principle of economic interest under different economic circumstances .

  19. 没有可保利益的保险合同是无效的。而任何根据这类合同提出的索赔都不会被受理。

    An insurance contract without an insurable interest to support it is invalid and any claim made upon it will not be entertained .

  20. 经济可保利益外延的判定应当综合运用保险补偿规则和披露规则。

    We should apply the rules of indemnification and the rules of utmost good faith comprehensively to judge the extent of the economic interest .

  21. 在一些国家,其保险法律中的可保利益已经或将要从法律上可保利益转向经济可保利益。

    Some countries have abandoned the concept of legal or equitable interest and have accepted the notion of economic interest in their insurance laws .

  22. 而在人身保险中,可保利益必须在订立保险合同时就存在,否则保险合同即为无效,至于合同成立后,投保人是否失去可保利益,对其在合同上的权利并无影响。

    Differently , if the insurable interest does not existed on the execution of a life insurance contract , the contract shall be definitely void .

  23. 现行法关于可保利益原则的规定亦是不妥当的。

    In the law in effect the provisions on the jurisdiction in person am of the principal of insurable interest is not proper , either .

  24. 被保险人对保险标的的可保利益是保险的基础,也是确定保险价值的前提,投保人或被保险人必须对保险标的具有可保利益。

    The insurable interest of the insured in the insurance subject-matter is one of the fundamentals of insurance and the prerequisite of appraisal of insurance value .

  25. 为了根据本保险索赔,在保险标的损失当时被保险人必须具有某种可保利益。

    1 in order to recover under this insurance the Assured must have an insurable interest in the subject-matter insured at the time of the loss .

  26. 各国保险立法都明确规定可保利益原则,主要是因为其具有的防止利用保险赌博、防止发生道德风险、限制保险赔偿的额度的功能。

    This principle is accepted by legislation of many countries because it helps prevent gambling and wagering , avoid moral hazards and limit the amount of coverage .

  27. 可保利益存在于保险合同订立之前,甚至保险合同失效之后也可能存在。

    On one hand , insurable interest exists before the insurance agreement , and it is possible that it exists after the insurance agreement losing its effectiveness .

  28. 然而买卖双方应该明白,在货物上有可保利益,基于谨慎原则要购买保险。

    However , both the seller and buyer should be aware that they may have insurable interest in the goods and prudence dictates purchase of insurance coverage .

  29. 从各种文献资料来看,由于没有区分可保利益和保险合同利益这两个概念,所以人们不仅没有正确研究可保利益和保险合同利益的功能,而且混淆了保险合同利益和可保利益的功能。

    From the light of various documents , because of no differentiating the concepts of insurable interest and insurance contract interest , people confused the functions of them .

  30. 在财产保险中,在订立保险合同时对保险标的是否具有可保利益并不十分重要,但是在保险事故发生时,被保险人对保险标的必须具有可保利益;

    When a property insurance contract is executed , the insurable interest is not a must while it has to be presented on the occurrence of the accident insured .