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jiào pái
  • bid;call;make a bid at bridge
叫牌 [jiào pái]
  • [bid] 在特定情况下(例如桥牌中的确定王牌和要赢得多少墩牌)声称要取得什么结果

  • [asking bid] 合约桥牌中叫牌人请求搭挡提供一定情况的一种人为的叫牌

  1. 加倍5H是邀请搭档继续叫牌。

    The double of5H invited partner to bid on .

  2. 任何加倍或再加倍被接续合法实质叫牌取代。

    Any double or redouble is superseded by a subsequent legal bid .

  3. 如B款所述,牌手不能要求复述部分叫牌或者打断复述。

    As in B the player may not ask for only a partial restatement or halt the review .

  4. 肯尼?罗杰斯(KennyRogers)在通过百代(EMI)旗下的国会唱片公司(CapitolRecords)发行的一首歌中,这样低声吟唱道:“聪明的牌手知道何时叫牌,他懂得扣牌的时机,他还明白几时该重返牌局”。

    A WISE gamble involves knowing when to hold , when to fold and when to run , croons Kenny Rogers , an artist released through EMI 's Capitol Records .

  5. 叫牌&任何实质叫牌、加倍、再加倍或不叫。

    Call & Any bid , double , redouble or pass .

  6. 我们玩牌时,有三次叫牌他都选择不叫。

    He passed like three times when we were playing poker .

  7. 哈,我刚才巧占了对方的叫牌机会。

    Well , I am stealing bidding room from the opponent .

  8. 发牌之后开始叫牌。

    After all the cards are dealt the auction begins .

  9. 定约名目&实质叫牌中特定的花色或无将。

    Denomination - the suit or no trump specified in a bid .

  10. 我的意思是,你有听过叫牌吗?

    I mean , have you never heard of takeout ?

  11. 在麻将中,你玩的那个棋子叫牌。

    In Mah Jong , the pieces you play with are called tiles .

  12. 最好还是先发制人叫高牌,别让对方有机会叫牌。

    Better preempt to keep the opponents from bidding .

  13. 如果我不叫牌,而他叫加倍,那你就输定了。

    If I pass and he doubles , you are bound to go down .

  14. 史密斯对他搭挡的叫牌不予回叫。

    Smith left his partner 's bid in .

  15. (桥牌)要求自己的搭档叫另一套牌的叫牌。

    ( bridge ) a bid that asks your partner to bid another suit .

  16. 在叫牌时,花色的大小顺序是黑桃、红桃、方块和草花。

    In bidding , the suits rank spades , hearts , diamonds and clubs .

  17. 这次卡尔森叫牌,看来让我们又回到了起点。

    It leeks like we 're back to square one again with the Carlson bid .

  18. 如果一个被A款不允许的更替叫牌被违规方的左手方对手接受。

    A substituted call not permitted by A may be accepted by the offender 's LHO .

  19. 叫双倍桥牌中向搭档表明自己力量的叫牌;

    A bid in bridge indicating strength to one 's partner ; a request for a bid .

  20. 如果牌手对已经做出的叫牌有疑惑,可以要求澄清。

    A player may require clarification forthwith if he is in doubt what call has been made .

  21. (桥牌中)将(对方已加倍的叫牌)再加倍。

    ( in the card-game of bridge ) double again ( a bid already doubled by an opponent )

  22. 如果替代叫牌被许可,其下家可撤销其任何真对第一次叫牌所做叫牌。

    If a substitution is allowed the LHO may withdraw any call he made over the first call .

  23. 最后定约叫牌打桥牌时通过一手牌的最后的定约叫牌指出(一组王牌或无王牌)

    To designate ( a trump suit or no-trump ) with the final bid of a hand in bridge .

  24. 牌戏中一圈牌,尤指桥牌,失去它就阻止叫王牌者无法叫牌。

    A trick in card games , especially bridge , the loss of which prevents a declarer from making a contract .

  25. (桥牌中)先发制人叫牌(尽管牌不好也仍叫得很高以阻止对方叫牌)。

    ( in bridge ) make a high opening bid ( despite having poor cards , in order to prevent further bidding )

  26. 当此事发生时,应退到牌手未做叫牌位置,取消所有后续所做不叫,竞叫正常继续进行。

    When this occurs the auction reverts to the player who missed his turn , all subsequent passes are cancelled and the auction proceeds normally .

  27. 我了解到,不定期轮船还是可能有的。我的对手开叫,轮到我叫牌时,形势对我很不利。

    I understand tramps are still available My rival got in first and by the time I came to make my bid the cards were stacked against me .

  28. 上议院被称为参议院,它拥有平等地分配给巴基斯坦的四个州的100个席位,还保留了一些席位给印度教、锡克教、基督教和一些其他人数较少的叫牌。

    The upper house is called the Senate which has100 seats equally distributed among the four provinces of Pakistan with reserved seats for Hindu , Sikh , Christian , and other minorities .

  29. 他对苏联的形势表示强烈的不满。我的对手开叫,轮到我叫牌时,形势对我很不利。

    He was very critical of the situation in the Soviet Union . My rival got in first and by the time I came to make my bid the cards were stacked against me .

  30. (桥牌)比对手的叫牌高的叫牌(特别是同伴根本没有叫牌而你叫的牌超过自己手中的牌)。

    ( bridge ) a bid that is higher than your opponent 's bid ( especially when your partner has not bid at all and your bid exceeds the value of your hand ) .