
  • 网络Guti;Gutierrez;gutti
  1. 巴西人罗比尼奥和中场的古蒂限制了贝克汉姆上场的机会。

    The blossoming of Brazilian Robinho and the good form of Guti in midfield have limited his opportunities .

  2. 这一番话可能会给阿瑟温格为古蒂出价的勇气。

    This declaration may give Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger the encouragement needed to launch a firm bid for Guti .

  3. 在这个节目现场,古蒂小姐发现她已是宫颈癌晚期。

    While on the set for this program , Miss Goody learned she has advanced cervical cancer .

  4. 贝克汉姆应该出现在右翼,罗比尼奥或者雷耶斯在左翼,古蒂在中间。

    Beckham will play on the right , with Robinho or Reyes on the left and Guti in the centre .

  5. 而能同劳尔,卡西利亚斯,古蒂们一起并肩作战,我感到十分骄傲。

    It will give me great pride to play alongside him but also with Raul , Iker Casillas or Guti .

  6. 在保证球队传球质量方面,他和古蒂都是必须的,而我觉得卡佩罗现在已经意识到这一点。

    He and Guti are both needed in the side for the quality of their passing and I think Capello has realised that now .

  7. 古蒂小姐可能会坚持认为她的行为是正当的因为他们为她的孩子留下了一罐子钱。

    Miss Goody may insist that her actions are justified because they will leave a pot of money behind for the care of her children .

  8. 古蒂近期表示如果他被迫离开自己少年时代就支持的俱乐部,他认为这是个去英超踢球的机会。

    Guti recently admitted that , if he was forced to leave his boyhood club , he would relish the chance to play in The Premiership .

  9. 由于许多球员在周四参加了国家队比赛才刚刚归队,拉法将在今天挑选去古蒂逊迎战埃弗顿的球员之前再看看阵容是否适当。

    With many of his players only returning from international duty on thursday , Benitez will assess the fitness of his squad again today before selecting what team will run out against Everton at goodison .