
  • 网络protection of ancient books;ancient books protection
  1. 高校图书馆古籍保护工作初探

    Discussion on Ancient Books Protection in College Libraries

  2. 关于古籍保护措施之我见&从海南省的古籍保护谈起

    Some Considerations on Measures in Protection of Ancient Books & Thoughts on Ancient Books Protection in Hainan Province

  3. 从建筑学角度探析古籍保护方法

    Protection Techniques of Ancient Books in View of Architecture

  4. 冷冻灭书虫与古籍保护的几个问题

    Freezing to Kill Silverfish and Several Problems about the Protection of Ancient Books

  5. 浅论地方高校在古籍保护中的重要作用

    Discussion on the Important Functions of Local Universities in Protection of Ancient Books

  6. 古籍保护方法综述

    Methods for the Protection of Ancient Books

  7. 论古籍保护与利用在图书馆社会职能拓展中的价值

    Talk about Value of the Ancient Books 's Protection and Development in Social Working Responsibility of Library

  8. 因此本文从理论与实践上探索古籍保护和人才培训的途径和方法。

    So this article tries to explore the way and method in protecting the ancient books and training the professionals through practice and the theory .

  9. 数字化是实现中医古籍保护和利用的有效途径,也是中医古籍深度开发和知识发现的基础。

    Digital is not only an effective way to achieve conservation and utilization of TCM ancient books , but also the foundation of deep development and knowledge discovery .

  10. 为适应古籍保护工作的需要,金陵科技学院与南京图书馆联合办学,共同培养古籍修复人才。

    To meet the need for protection of ancient books , Jinling Institute of Technology runs a school together with Nanjing library to train the ancient books repairing talent .

  11. 美国政府与文献保护工作者在长期的保护工作实践中形成了自己鲜明的特色,其中不少理念、方法和制度值得我国的古籍保护工作者学习和借鉴。

    S.government and the conservator formed their own distinct characteristics in the long-term protection work and practice , and the conservator of China can learn from ideas , methods and systems .

  12. 目前,古籍保护工作越来越得到国家的重视,把这一工作列为国家重点保护工程,并逐步向数字化推进。

    At present , the protection of ancient books is more and more getting the national attention , and the work is listed as national key protection project , and digitalization of ancient books are also progressing gradually .

  13. 近30年来,我国民族古籍保护工作取得了很大成绩,也存在一些问题。

    In this paper , the authors summarize the achievements of the preservation of ancient books of ethnic minorities in the last 30 years , and point out some existing problems , such as the lack of legislation and the lack of preservation institutions .

  14. 基于J2EE的民族古籍文献保护系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Protection System of Ancient Ethnic Literatures Based on J2EE

  15. 文中以民族古籍数字化保护技术开发为基础,分析了扫描仪的二次开发方法,讨论了TWAIN接口的扫描仪二次开发的优缺点,以及可实现的基本功能。

    Based on the protection technology development of digital minorities ' ancient books , the methods of secondary development for scanner at present is analysed and discussed the virtues and defects of scanner secondary programming with TWAIN interface and the basic function can be effected .

  16. 是一种极好的修复古籍和保护古籍的装帧技法,不仅遵循了修旧如旧的原则,而且可以完整的保护古籍善本的原本。

    Repair is an excellent binding techniques , not only follow the " If the old from the old " principle , and can protect the integrity of the original classics .

  17. 做好高校图书馆馆藏古籍的保护工作,是时代赋予古籍管理工作人员的神圣使命。通过研究,有望帮助人们建立古籍保护意识,有助于古籍保护观念的更新。

    To do a good job in protecting ancient books in academic library is a sacred mission that the times entrusts to the staff . It is expected to help people establish a sense of protecting ancient books and update the concept of the protection through this research .

  18. 非物质文化遗产视角下的中国古籍版本文化保护

    Preservation of Chinese Ancient Book Version Culture in the View of Intangible Cultural Heritage

  19. 中医药古籍管理与保护中存在的问题及其对策

    Problems in management and protection of ancient traditional Chinese medicine books and their solution measures

  20. 大丽铁路中下段沿线古籍文献资源及其保护与开发研究

    On the Protection and Development of the Classic Documents Found along the Middle and Lower Sections of the Dali-Lijiang Railroad

  21. 本文介绍了《书院文化数据库》的建设,揭示古籍文献数字化是对古籍文献的保护和弘扬的现实意义,由此讨论古籍数字化应遵循的五个原则。

    This article introduced the construction of Academy Culture Database , and the meaning that ancient book digitization protects and brings honor to the ancient book . The author proposed five principles that ancient book digitization should follow .

  22. 该文从古籍收藏环境、虫防蛀、籍修复等方面详细介绍了古往今来古籍保护的方法。

    The article introduces the methods of ancient books protection from these aspects : collection environment , mothproof approach , repairing the damaged ancient books .

  23. 对我国图书馆古籍修复工作的现状及存在的主要问题进行了分析,并对如何作好古籍保护与修复工作提出了一些建设性的意见。

    This paper not only analyses the main questions about ancient books restoring and current situation in author 's library , but also presents a suggestion on how to do well in ancient books protection and restoration .