
gǔ tián huì yì
  • Gutian Conference;the Gutian Congress
古田会议[gǔ tián huì yì]
  1. 试论古田会议对延安整风运动的影响

    Discussing the Influence of the Gutian Congress Resolution on the Yan'an Rectification Movement

  2. 古田会议精神对大学生思政教育的指导作用

    Instruction of Spirit from Gutian Meeting to Ideological Education for College Students

  3. 古田会议精神&群众路线的旗帜

    The Spirit of Gutian & the Banner of the Route of the Masses

  4. 古田会议着重从思想上建党的理论研究

    Research on Gutian Congress 's Theory of Developing the Party Though Thought Construction

  5. 论古田会议对保持党的先进性之历史贡献

    On Historical Contribution of Gutian Conference to Keeping the Advanced Nature of the Party

  6. 古田会议精神对当前开展先进性教育活动的启示

    Spirit of Gutian Meeting Helps Advancement Education Campaign

  7. 古田会议精神与大学生思政教育方式、方法创新

    Spirit of Gutian Meeting and Ways and Innovation of Ideological Education for College Students

  8. 第三部分阐述古田会议着重从思想上建党理论的基本原则、方式方法以及着重从思想上建党理论的成功实践。

    The third Part expounds the principles , measures and successful practice of the theory .

  9. 古田会议精神与高校思想政治教育内容创新

    Spirit of Gutian Meeting and Innovation of Educational Contents in Ideology and Politics in Colleges

  10. 《古田会议决议》与《谭政报告》关联性分析及其启示

    An Analysis of the Correlation Between Gutian Conference Resolutions and Tan Zheng Report and Its Implications

  11. 《古田会议决议》对大学生思政教育方式、方法创新的启示

    Inspirations from Resolution of Gutian Meeting to Innovation of Methods in Ideological Education for College Students

  12. 弘扬古田会议精神发挥党的思想政治工作优势

    Carrying forward the spirit of Gutian Conference and taking advantages of CCP 's ideological and political work

  13. 古田会议精神对加强基层党组织建设,起着重要指导和推动作用。

    The spirit of Gutian Conference has had an important guiding and pushing effect on strengthening the construction of grass-roots Party organizations .

  14. 古田会议精神的核心是思想建党,精髓是求实创新,本质是一切为民,根本是保持党的先进性。

    Following practical and innovative approach and insisting on the principle that army should be ruled by Party are the quintessence of Gutian Conference spirit .

  15. 第三部分从古田会议的历史意义和理论意义论述了古田会议给思想政治教育史留下的深远影响。

    From such aspects as the historical theoretical significance , the thesis states the profound far-reaching influence of Gutian Conference on the history of ideology politics education .

  16. 刍议古田会议精神与大学生民族精神的培育《古田会议决议》与《谭政报告》关联性分析及其启示

    Spirit of Gutian Meeting and Cultivation of University Students ' Ethos An Analysis of the Correlation Between Gutian Conference Resolutions and Tan Zheng Report and Its Implications

  17. 第一部分通过分析古田会议召开前党的建设、革命军队以及群众工作面临的新情况,阐述农村根据地斗争条件下加强党的思想建设的紧迫性。

    Main Content : The first Part expounds the urgency of strengthening the Party 's thought construction during the warfare among rural areas through analyzing the new situation that the party construction , revolutionary army and mass work .

  18. 古田会议伟大的历史贡献在于把马克思主义建党理论同我们党的自身建设实践相结合,开辟出了一条着重从思想上建党、加强党的先进性建设的成功之路。

    A great history contribution of the Gutian Conference Consists in the theory of building the Party of Marxism unifies with the Party 's own construction practice , opening up a successful road of building the Party in thought , strengthening the advanced construction of the Party emphatically .