- paleocurrent

Treatment of Palaeocurrent Data by PC & 1500 Microcomputer
Research on Paleo-fluid Potential and Migration of Oil-gas by Use of Inclusions in Sedimentary Rocks
A Study on the Ancient Fluid Potential and the History of Oil-gas Migration and Accumulation in Banqiao Depression
The capillary pressure of reservoir bed and the conductive efficiency of fault are considered in the analogue calculation .
In basin modeling system , the hydrocarbon migration-accumulation is the most important part , but the technologically weakest part of the system .
The energy field study should be stressed on the restoration of Palaeo fluid potential in 3 D hydrocarbon source rock masses and fluid passage systems .
The Paleo-Fluid Potential in upper Triassic of Middle West-Sichuan Sag ; Research on the geochronology of forming the gas pools of Member 2 of Xujiahe Formation in the middle West Sichuan depression , China
Based on reconstruction of palaeo-fluid potentials of inclusions formed in different geologic periods , it is believed that the fluid potentials of gas reservoirs in the 2nd member of Xujiahe Fm in southern West Sichuan foreland basin are in random distribution .
The division foundation of RFS is the high potential energy level of the ancient fluid potential in reservoir-forming period of the main carrier bed which controls the migration and accumulation of oil and the distribution characteristics of the effective transportation system , etc.
Nd isotope evolution of ocean waters and implications for paleo-ocean circulation
The Detailed Description of Ancient Fluvial Abandoned Channel Micro facies
Neoproterozoic-mesoproterozoic upwelling facies and its relationship with hydrocarbon in North China
Index system of ancient diluvial deposits at TGP dam site
During the investigation of the Weishui River valley , we found many palaeoflood slack-water deposits sandwiched in Holocene loess-soil profiles .
His old style poem , which by the scholars , form a unique prevailing kind of poetry style at that time .
The pebbles of Daxi conglomerate are derived from Devonian-Triassic in Longmen mountains and quartz in the matrix mostly from complex , according to the statistics for pebbles , thin section , identification for fossils and measurement at palaeocurrents as well as heavy mineral association .
Others that related the ancient times climatic change , For instance ancient-river hydrodynamic force condition and so on , also are the important contents that we understand the ancient times environmental variation rule .