
  • 网络kuching;sarawak
  1. 关于古晋的得名有好几种说法。

    There are several accounts of how Kuching got its name .

  2. 古晋的独立广场和毗邻的独立皇宫酒店。

    Kuching 's Merdeka Palace Hotel & Suites and the adjoining Padang Merdeka .

  3. 我之前曾贴过古晋旧法庭在夜幕低垂时的图片。

    I have posted the pictures of Kuching old court house at night before .

  4. 古晋电厂事故解网对机组运行影响及小岛运行方案

    Effect of Emergency Phase out of Grid on Units Performance and Scheme of Islanding

  5. 这是古晋北市市政局的大厦。

    This is Kuching North City Hall building .

  6. 所以,若不是在古晋的朋友们,请放心购买吧!

    So , if you 're not staying in Kuching . Don 't worry !

  7. 世华第19届圣乐大会将于6月2至6日假马来西亚古晋市举行。

    The 19th World Chinese Church Music Conference will be held in Kuching , Malaysia from 2 June until 6 June .

  8. 她指出,这个村子里的年轻人都离开这里,搬到沙捞越州的省会城市&古晋,或者其他的一些城市去找工作了。

    She says young people are leaving the village and migrating to Sarawak 's administrative capital , Kuching , and other cities in search of work .

  9. 马来西亚,砂捞越,古晋的弟子杨惟钦提供了一个向药师佛十二大愿礼拜的仪轨。

    Disciple Jui Khin Yeo of Kuching , Sarawak , Malaysia came up with such a ritual for making prostration to the twelve great vows of Medicine Guru Buddha .

  10. 上次航空公司为飞机上出生的婴儿提供终生无条件的免费飞行服务还是在2009年,当时一名乘客在亚洲航空公司从槟城到古晋的两小时飞行中分娩。

    The last airline to award unconditional , complimentary flights for life to a baby born on their plane was AirAsia , when , in 2009 , a passenger gave birth while on a two-hour flight from Penang to Kuching .