
  1. 王莽对古文经的笃信;浅谈宁夏古王高速公路绿化

    Discussion on Landscaping Greening of Gu-wang Highway in Ningxia King Lear

  2. 礼制的重建:刘歆争立古文经的再认识

    Reestablishment of rites : on Liu Xin 's promoting confucian classics

  3. 首先,古文经学者广博的知识为其文学创作提供了坚实的基础;

    First , their profound knowledge laid solid foundation for their literary creation .

  4. 今古文经学都是为维护封建统治服务的,这是融合的政治基础。

    They both served for safeguarding feudal domination , which was the political basis for merger .

  5. 今文经学和古文经学对后世影响最大的差异在于历史观的不同。

    The greatest difference about the impact on future generations between New Text Confucianism and Old Text Confucianism is their different views of history .

  6. 这种儒学是以古文经学为主体的,与前此的儒学相比,表现出适应时代之要求的新特质。

    And the Confucian ideology in that period took classical ancient Chinese prose as its main body to better adapt to the demand of the times .

  7. 但是,在沉重的社会危机面前,治古文经学的汉学家们却束手无策。

    But facing the serious social crisis , the scholars who study the Confucian classics of ancient Chinese prose were at a loss what to do .

  8. 就古文经学来说,古文经学的兴起有着复杂的政治文化背景,它与西汉的政治、法律实践有十分密切的联系。

    The arising of the Confucian classics has its complicated political and cultural background , and it connected with the practice of politics and law in Western Han .

  9. 孔壁出书一事在中国学术史上意义重大,通过对历史文献记载的考证分析,可知此事属实,决非古文经学派的伪造。

    Textual researches on historical documents indicate the truthfulness of the ancient books found in the mansion walls of Confucius which is of great significance in Chinese academic history .

  10. 迄今为止,学术界多从政治、经济、教育、军事等领域对张氏进行研究,然而张之洞亦是诗文大家、古文经学家和金石学家。

    To date , more of the academics conduct research from the political , economic , educational , military in areas such as Zhang , but Zhang is also the poetry , classical scholars , philologist .

  11. 第二章,晚清古文经学与董子学,梳理晚清汉宋调和派、晚清宋学派、晚清汉学派各学派的代表人物对董子学的研究及态度。

    Chapter II , the Chinese classics by the study with the Dong study in the late Qing Dynasty , combined with the attitude of the late Qing . Han and Song School to the Dong Zi .

  12. 这一时期,今、古文经和谶纬的逐渐趋于融合,学者大多一人兼通数经,开始出现统一的经本,同时带动了小学的发展。

    During this period , now , the classics and the latitude of the gradually fusion , a number of scholars and the unified , began to appear after this , also led to the development of primary school .

  13. 汉末文人面对古文经学的衰落和政治昏暗的现实,首先表现出了积极的用世精神,经过党锢之祸的打击之后,又开始了人性的自然复归。

    Facing the reality of political corruption and decline of confucian classics by Lishu , later Han Literary men first of all expressed their active involvement in the world and after the blow of " Dang Gu Accident ", they began to pursue the regression of human nature .