
  • 网络ancient greek culture;Hellenism;Hellenic culture
  1. 柏拉图,诡辩派职业哲学家最严厉的批评者之一,认为他们是古希腊文化所有精华的敌人。

    Plato , one of the Sophists severest critics viewed them as the enemies of all that was best in Hellenic culture .

  2. 论古希腊文化高度开放性的成因

    The reason why the ancient Greek culture was so highly open

  3. 古希腊文化多元化特征源流探微

    On the Origin of Multi - Characteristic of Ancient Greece Culture

  4. 古希腊文化特色分析

    An Analysis of the Cultural Characteristics of Ancient Greek

  5. 论古希腊文化的人本主义

    A Study of the Humanism in Ancient Greek Culture

  6. 东方文化对古希腊文化的影响

    On Influence of Oriental Culture on Ancient Greek One

  7. 尼采有三大爱好:古希腊文化、哲学和音乐。

    Nietzsche has three hobbies : Ancient Greek culture , philosophy and music .

  8. 古希腊文化的生态环境论析&兼与中国文化比较

    On Ecological Environment of Ancient Greece Culture

  9. 消费文化的形成,与构成西方文化的基督教文化和古希腊文化有着紧密的联系。

    The forming of consumption culture has close link with Christian culture and ancient Greek culture .

  10. 古希腊文化中词汇记忆的载体运用&由希腊神话故事启发的单词记忆方法(英文)

    Carriers Used in Memorizing Vocabulary of Classical Literature & Mnemonic Methods Enlightened by Words from Greek Mythology ;

  11. 中国儒家文化、犹太文化、古希腊文化是世界的元典文化。

    The Confucian school culture , Judaist culture and Greek culture are the classical culture in the world .

  12. 黑格尔深受古希腊文化和德国古典美学时期社会环境的影响,其悲剧理论充分体现出古希腊文化的特点和德国古典美学时期的时代精神。

    His tragedy theory fully manifests the characteristics of ancient Greek culture and the spirit of German classical aesthetics period .

  13. 相比之下,古希腊文化属于第三文明,颇受外来文明与海上文明的影响,所以希腊神话中的神祗大多追求权势,已不属于道德的范畴了。

    By contrast , ancient Greek culture belongs to the Third Civilization , influenced by external forces and Oceanic Civilization .

  14. 中国古代文化和古希腊文化在其生成和发展的过程中深受生态状况影响。

    The forming and developing course of ancient Chinese culture and ancient Greek culture has received deep affection from ecological status .

  15. 诚信在西方文化中可以追溯到两个源头,一个是基督教文化中的诚信观,另一个是古希腊文化延伸出来的契约伦理。

    Western trust was originated from two sources , the trust view of Christianity and the contractual ethics of ancient Greek culture .

  16. 文章的最后一部分为结语,主要概括和评价了东方文化的影响对古希腊文化的重大意义,它的灿烂辉煌是建立在东方文化贡献的基础上的。

    It summed up and commented the profound meaning of the influence on ancient Greek culture which brought by the east culture .

  17. 谁能拥有谢里曼黄金古希腊文化财产归属之争的法律解决女性财产继承权的历史考察法原理与法习惯方面的纠葛

    Legal Solution of A Greek Cultural Heritage Dispute Historical Considerations of Women 's Succession Conflict Between the Legal Principles and its Institution

  18. 古希腊文化具有高度的开放性,这是推动希腊文化发展壮大并且取得辉煌成就的一个重要动因。

    The ancient greek culture was highly open which is one of the important motive causes of its great development and splendid achievements .

  19. 爱好是学习的动力,在学习的基础上,尼采对古希腊文化、哲学和音乐进行了卓有成效的研究。

    Love is the motivation in learning , based on Nietzsche on ancient Greek culture , philosophy and music have carried out fruitful research .

  20. 但是,先秦儒家和古希腊文化时期的和谐思想各自侧重点却不一样,它们都具有鲜明的民族特色和文化背景。

    Thinking of eastern and western harmony in their respective focus never identical , and both have a distinct national characteristics and cultural backgrounds .

  21. 现代新儒家学者经常提到的包括古希腊文化、基督教文化、西方近现代的学术、科学、政治等等。

    Modern Neo-Confucian scholars frequently discussed learning , science , politics , etc. , which permeated through the cultures of old-Greek , Christian and modern and contemporary times .

  22. 作为“交替性诗人”的弗罗斯特熟谙古希腊文化,善于从古希腊文学中吸取创作素材。

    As a poet of now and then , Frost is familiar with ancient Greek culture and accomplished in adopting persona and subject matter from the ancient literature .

  23. 本文试图从古希腊文化中的东方因素和东方因素传入占希腊的途径来进行探讨古希腊文化中的东方渊源。

    This essay tries to analyze the eastern root of the ancient Greek culture by studies the east elements in the Greek culture and the ways through which these elements spread .

  24. 起源于古希腊文化中的酒神精神是尼采生命美学的根本,权力意志是酒神精神的别名,超人也是酒神精神的化身。

    Originated in ancient Greek culture in the Dionysian spirit is the fundamental life aesthetics Nietzsche , Will to Power is the Dionysian spirit alias , Superman is the embodiment of Dionysian spirit .

  25. 这种人本意识与古希腊文化中蕴含的世俗人本意识一起,在后世作家的创作思想和文学形象中有众多体现,或浅显或深隐。

    This kind of human consciousness and the secular human consciousness in old Greek culture , they both have multitudinous reflection in later writer 's creative thoughts and literary figure , or simple , or deepgoing .

  26. 第三部分是本文的主体部分,按照文学分析的通常习惯从不同的视角分门别类地论述文艺复兴史诗各个方面对古希腊文化的继承和发展。

    Part III stands as the main body of the thesis , dealing with Renaissance epic from different perspectives in terms of literary analysis practice to discuss the Greek legacies in Renaissance epic and its own advancement .

  27. 如何使人类重返完美和谐的家园,浪漫主义提出了三种途径:一是回归自然,二是以古希腊文化为楷模,三是使人类走上一条永无止境地接近绝对的道路。

    On how to help human beings return to the harmonious home , Romanticism puts forward three approaches : return to the nature , set ancient Greek culture as a model , and help human beings approach approximate absolute .

  28. 亚里士多德对人的本质曾下过三个论断:求知是人的本性侧重于感性认知的角度,它代表着以爱智慧为显著特征的古希腊文化所体现出来的最为纯正的哲学精神;

    Aristotle had made three statements on human nature : " Acquirement is human nature " puts emphasis on perceptual knowledge , representing the purest philosophy presents by the ancient Greek culture which is distinctive with its feature of " loving wisdom ";

  29. 文艺复兴(Renaissance)文艺复兴艺术与文化是对古希腊罗马文化的复兴。

    Renaissant art and culture means the renaissance of ancient culture , that is , Grecian and Roman culture .

  30. 他是古希腊罗马文化的热烈赞赏者。

    He was a fervent admirer of Roman and Greek culture .