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  1. 分析了古建筑设计中由于古尺的消失和古制单位与计算机绘图单位的不匹配而使得古建筑设计所面临的问题。

    The questions caused by the disappearance of old chi and incompatibility between ancient size and computer drafting are analyzed .

  2. 第四章试图考证扬赋中反映的祭天、校(?)和古帝王出行及其车驾等制度,并比较扬雄时代这些制度与古制的契合程度。

    The fourth chapter tried to lift regimes for the sacrifice to heaven , hunting , traveling of the ancient emperors and their traffic tools and so on which are reflected in Yang Fu . Then the author compared the correspondence of these regimes with that of the ancient times .