
  1. 印度古典主义美学是印度美学思想的成熟形态。

    Indian classicalism esthetics is a mature configuration of Indian esthetics thought .

  2. 17世纪欧洲绝对主义国家和新古典主义美学之间存在着直接的联系。

    Th century European absolute state was directly related to neo - classical estheticism .

  3. 中国古代美学属于古典主义美学,在美的形态上主张和谐美。

    As a classical aesthetics , traditional Chinese aesthetics emphasizes the beauty of harmoniousness .

  4. 作为德国古典主义美学思想的代表,席勒是继康德后对崇高美学做出完善探讨的美学家。

    As a representation of classicalism aesthetics in Germany , Schiller is an esthetician who discusses perfectly the theory of sublime aesthetics after Kant .

  5. 同时在整个欧洲新古典主义美学的影响下也产生了意大利自己的新古典主义美学;

    At the same time it also comes into being Italian own New Classicalism Aesthetics on the effects of the whole European New Classicalism Aesthetics .

  6. 罗斯金一方面受到当时浪漫主义思潮的影响,另一方面继承了18世纪古典主义美学思想的传统。

    On the one hand , Ruskin was influenced by the 19th romanticism . On the other , hand , he inherited 18th classicism aesthetic tradition .

  7. 文章认为,恶搞短片的出现在于对主流文化形态以及对古典主义美学原则的抵抗。它是当代审美文化普遍娱乐化的结果,在一定程度上反映了当代民间影像传播蓬勃兴起的趋势。

    It argues that Kuso-movies try to resist the mainstream cultural form and the classicism aesthetic principle and are the outcome of contemporary recreational aesthetic culture .

  8. 对古典主义美学而言,自然是人的另一种存在方式,其作为美的对象的等级与其人文化的程度密切相关,自然本身不具有独立的价值与意义。

    For a classicist , nature is the other existent state of human beings and looked as an aesthetic object because it has only cultural content , but no independent value and meaning itself .

  9. 本文分别论述了印度古典主义美学思潮产生的文化背景,印度传统的思维模式对于古典主义美学的形成所产生的重大影响,印度古典主义美学的基本原则以及它在艺术创作上的表现。

    This paper discusses the following aspects : the cultural background of the Indian classicalism esthetics , the important influence that the traditional Indian thinking mode has on Indian classicalism esthetics , the basic principle of Indian classicalism esthetics and its performance in art creation .

  10. 就当代文化意义而言,游戏更接近于后现代的话语场,而有别于席勒以降的古典和现代主义美学理念和话语体系。

    So far as its cultural significance is concerned , game can be looked on more as a post-modern field of discourse and is different from the classic and contemporary aesthetic concept and discourse system .

  11. 斯克里亚宾早期奏鸣曲作品的曲式结构反映出古典与浪漫主义时期美学观念与创作手法的影响,具有较典型的奏鸣套曲形式特征。

    Scriabin 's early sonatas reflect the influence of aesthetics idea and composing skill of classical and romantic age , have the characteristics of typical sonata song form .

  12. 第一,哲学上的人本主义与自然主义的对立引发了文学史上的古典主义与浪漫主义的并峙,以《诗学》为代表的亚里士多德的古典主义美学是正统的理论;

    Firstly , the contrast of humanism and naturalism in philosophy has brought forth the contrast of classicism and romanticism in literature and the classical aesthetics represented by Aristotle 's Rhetoric and Poetics is the orthodox .