- 名oral argument

I wouldn 't even worry about it , because American scientists like Rush , Glen , and Sean have proven by oral argument that there is no such thing as man-made pollution or temperature change .
Pleadings , Oral Arguments , Documents , Comprising Texts , Maps and Charts
The Analysis of Trial Mode Concerning Oral Argument : From the Perspective of Procedural Efficiency
Requesting permission to file an amicus curiae brief and perhaps to present oral argument ;
Pleadings , Oral Arguments , Documents
The two men traded verbal jabs on federal taxes , job creation , and retiree health-care funding .
And the thesis makes an exploration on the frequency of hedges and politeness strategies in different legal texts .
On Tuesday , the justices heard oral arguments in this case , which has been bubbling up for two years .
The seventh US Circuit Court of Appeals announced it has rescheduled oral arguments for both states ' appeals for August 26 .
The high court could hear oral arguments in both cases as early as March and rule on both cases in June .
Furthermore , the free mind testimony is combined closely with those vivid principles and techniques such as an open judgement , oral discussion and cross questioning .
In some jurisdictions the lawyers must specifically request oral argument ; if they forget to request oral argument the court will decide the case on the briefs .
The Supreme Court cases that are heard for oral argument are decided by a majority of the justices accepting one theory or opinion of the elements of the case .
Lawyers for surviving Boston bombing suspect Dzhokar Tsarnaev are due in court Tuesday for oral arguments about prison restrictions , like access to mail , the media and visitors .
Depending on the rules of the particular court , the court may decide the case based on the briefs submitted to the court or the court may schedule oral argument .
During oral arguments , one of the judges hearing the challenges to the Illinois Eavesdropping Act worried that allowing recording might hinder the ability of the police to do their jobs .
While in the construction of procedure , the trial mode of oral argument appears as a series of oral complaints and defenses and designated date of oral argument heard by the judges .
After receiving the petition from the plaintiff , the court should service it to the defendant promptly along with informing him or her of the accurate date of oral debate for the first time .
To improve their speaking skills , I helped them develop oral compositions and organize in-class debates .
The methods that rise ability of spoken English are many , some of them such as oral interview , story-telling , role-plays etc , are common training of spoken English .