
  • 网络Transformation Group;transform group
  1. 推广的N个时间的哈密顿原理和正则变换群

    Generalized Multi-Time Hamilton Principle and Canonical Transformation Group

  2. n维空间的线性变换群SL(n)的不可约张量表示

    Irreducible tensor of the linear transformation group SL ( n ) of n-dimensional space

  3. 非线性波动方程的Lie变换群和相似解

    Lie ′ s Transformation Groups and Similaritys of the Nonlinear Wave Motion Equation

  4. 公钥密码RSA体系的密钥变换群对码字的变换规律

    The Transformation Law of Cryptical Key Transformation Group Act on the Code of RSA Public Key Cryptosystem

  5. 另外,本文还研究了高维Mobius变换群的离散性判别准则。

    Moreover , the paper also study Mobius transformation group on higher dimension .

  6. 用Morgan的双参数变换群理论,对磁场作用下的伸展垂直薄片的不可压缩非定常层流自然对流边界层流动进行相似性分析,得到了三种情况下的相似性解方程组。

    In this paper applying Morgan 's two parameter transformation groups theory , we analyzed the similarity solution for incompressible unsteady laminar natural convective boundary layer flow on a vertical stretching sheet .

  7. 本文用Lie变换群的无穷小方法,求出了广义kdv方程的全部对称,并用特殊的对称将其化为常微分方程。

    In this paper , all symmetries of the generalized kdv equation are obtained by means of infinitesimal generator of Lie group of transformation . Ordinary differential equations are derived by use of the symmetries .

  8. 将Clifford代数所定义的双曲复空间RH和作用在双曲复空间RH上的双曲相位变换群U4(H)赋予了明确的物理意义。

    The hyperbolic complex space R_H defined by the Clifford algebra and the hyperbolic phase transformation group U_4 ( H ) acting on R_H are endowed with definite physical meaning in this paper .

  9. 在文献[2]中证明了线性变换群GL3(2)是汉明码A7的自同构群。

    It was proved that linear transformation group GL3 ( 2 ) is an automorphism group of Hamming Code A - in paper [ 2 ] .

  10. 双曲复空间RH同构于四维Minkowski时空,而其上的双曲相位变换群U4(H)就是四维相对论时空中的洛仑兹(Lorentz)变换群。

    The hyperbolic complex space R_H is isomorphic to the 4-dimensional ( 4D ) Minkowski spacetime , and the hyperbolic phase transformation group U_4 ( H ) in R_H is just Lorentz transformation group on 4D relativistic spacetime .

  11. 利用拓广的齐次平衡法[2]和吴文俊消元法,得到了BURGERSKDV方程的一类精确行波解及相似约化,这种求相似约化的方程比用Lie变换群法简便。

    Using the extending homogenous balance method and Wu elimination method , exact traveling wave solutions and similarity reductions of Burgers KdV are obtained . The method for solving similarity reductions is simpler and more convenient than that of classical Lie group of transformation .

  12. 得到主要结果:令q是素数方幂,若G是一个射影平面的共线变换群并且传递地作用在点集合上,则G不能与PSU(3,q2)同构。

    The main result : Let q be a power of a prime , and if G is a collineation group of a projective plane and G acts transitively on the points , then G is not isomorphic to PSU ( 3 , q ~ 2 ) .

  13. 本文主要研究Mobius变换群的离散性,通过引入测试函数得到了若干二维Mobius变换群的离散性准则,主要结论是回答了杨世海提出的一个公开问题。

    The paper mainly study the discreteness of Mobius transformation group , answering the conjecture of S. Yang . By means of test map , we get some criterias of discreteness of Mobius transformation group for lower dimension .

  14. 本文的具体安排如下:在第一部分当中,我们简要介绍了Klein群的发展历史和该领域的研究现状,理清了Mobius变换群离散性研究的发展脉络。

    The main structure of the paper is as follows : In the first part , we briefly introduce the history and the current research situation of Klein group , and give a clean reins of discreteness for Mobius trans-formation group .

  15. 本文从时空均匀性出发,讨论了正齐次Lorentz变换群,利用相应于该变换群的无穷小算符,导出相对论性自由粒子波函数在正齐次Lorentz变换下的表现形式。

    This paper , on the viewpoint of uniformity of space-time , deals with the normal homogeneous Lorentz transformation group , and derives out the form of wave function of relativistic free particle under normal homogeneous Lorentz transformation by applying infinitesimal operator relative to the transformation group .

  16. 文章证明了投射特殊线性群PSL2(7)(定义在有限域GF(7)上)和线性变换群GL3(2)是同构的。

    In this paper , We will prove that two ranks projective special linear group PSL2 ( 7 ) over finite field GF ( 7 ) and linear transformation group GL3 ( 2 ) are isomorphism .

  17. 集合S上一般变换群的研究

    Research into the general group of transformations on the set s

  18. 束流光学中的变换群&(Ⅱ)束流光学单元与系统

    Transformation Groups in Beam Optics ──(ⅱ) Beam Optical Elements and Systems

  19. 一类[0,1]上的变换群及其应用

    A Transformation from [ 0,1 ] Into Self and Its Application

  20. 给出了部分势对称的变换群。

    We gave corresponding global groups for some potential symmetries .

  21. 实数集上的一个变换群的结构

    The Structure of a Transformation Group on the Set of Real Numbers

  22. 基于对称变换群的快速滤波反投影算法

    Fast Filter Back Projection Algorithm Based on Symmetric Transformation Group

  23. 校园变换群研究

    Research on ' Group Transformation ' in School Design

  24. 8种统计平衡分布上的一个变换群及其一些应用

    A Transformation Group on Eight Kinds of Statistical Equilibrium Distributions and some Applications

  25. 关于变换群的探究教学案例

    A Case of Explorative Finance Teaching on Transformation Group

  26. 关于线素非正定的黎曼空间的共形变换群

    On the Group of Conformal Transformations of a Riemannian Space with Indefinite Metric

  27. 椭圆旋转、双曲旋转与变换群

    Ellipse Rotation , Hyperbola Rotation and Transformative Group

  28. 力学中单参数变换群的应用

    Application of One-Parameter Groups of Transformation in Mechanics

  29. 关于局部流代数与可微分变换群的表示(Ⅱ)(英文)

    On the representations of the local current algebra and the group of diffeomorphisms (ⅱ)

  30. 微分流形上的变换群

    Transformation s group on the Differentiable Manifolds