
  • 网络mutation operator;mutation operation
  1. 该方法采用Grefenstette编码方式,使得交叉和变异运算后的任意基因型个体都能对应于一条具有实际意义的行驶路线;

    This coding method can make any of genotype individual of operation correspondent to a travel route with real significance after crossover operator and mutation operation .

  2. 在遗传算法中,采用单纯形法寻优取代变异运算构成混合遗传算法,以提高遗传算法局部搜索能力。

    To improve the locally searching ability of a genetic algorithm , the mutation operation is replaced by the process of searching for an optimum using the simplex method .

  3. 该算法使用数组方式编码染色体,并采用非常规码的交叉和变异运算因子。

    It encodes the chromosome as an array of integers , and uses irregular crossover and mutation operations .

  4. 这样,用蚁群优化算法指导遗传算法的变异运算,增强了变异运算的智能性。

    In this way , using ant colony optimization algorithm as the guidance of variance in genetic algorithms , we make the variation more intelligent .

  5. 为了提高计算效率,文中采用了具有并行计算特性的多目标遗传算法,同时改进了原算法中的交叉运算和变异运算,使得计算效率有了进一步的提升。

    To improve the efficiency of computation , multi-objective genetic algorithm is used because of its feature of parallel calculation . On the other hand , the crossover and mutation operation of the original algorithm are also improved to make the computation more efficient . 2 .

  6. 采用二叉树结构表示数学函数,并对树结构表示的数学函数实施交叉、变异、算术运算、选择等操作,产生新的后代。

    The binary tree structure is used as the expression of mathematical functions , and crossover , mutation , arithmetical operation and selection are operated on the mathematical functions with tree structure for producing new offspring .