
  1. 但是到了十七世纪的英国,教会把庆祝“莉雅”女神的节日改为表达对耶稣之母马利亚的崇敬,订四旬斋的第四个星期日为MotheringSunday。甚至后来人们加入教会的受洗仪式都订在母亲节这一天。

    During the 1600 's , England celebrated a day called " Mothering Sunday , " celebrated on the 4th Sunday of Lent .

  2. 听起来像是个受洗仪式。

    It 's like a ritual hazing .

  3. 他们真是太高兴了,因此决定为这小宝贝举行一个盛大的受洗仪式。

    They were so happy that they decided to have a big festival for the baby 's christening .

  4. 在她十六岁生日的那天,国王和皇后计划了一个比她受洗仪式还要盛大的庆祝会。

    On her sixteenth birthday the king and queen planned a celebration that was much bigger than the christening .

  5. 这时,就像坏女巫在受洗仪式时所说的,纺锤刺破了公主的手指。

    And just as the bad witch had said at the christening , the spindle pricked the princess ' finger .

  6. 受洗仪式将在当天下午3点举行,时长45分钟,主持洗礼的是坎特伯雷大主教。

    The baptism will take place at 3pm , last for 45 minutes and be conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury .

  7. 当然,女巫并没有受邀参加公主的受洗仪式,她因被忽视而非常生气。

    Of course , the witch had not been invited to the princess ' christening and she was angry at being slighted .

  8. 不过乔治王子将会在下周三,于圣詹姆士宫皇家礼拜堂为他举行的受洗仪式中亮相。

    He will , however , be seen at his christening which takes place at The Chapel Royal in St James 's Palace on Wednesday next week .

  9. 为了确保不发生这种情况,他开始拼命工作,在接亲戚参加他儿子的受洗仪式时还在给客户打电话,还在一次家庭烤肉聚餐时中途离开去和客户谈生意。

    To ensure that doesn 't happen , he shifts into overdrive , calling clients while ferrying relatives to his son 's christening , and breaking away from a family barbecue to contact a customer about a deal .