
shòu xǐ
  • be baptized;receive baptism
受洗 [shòu xǐ]
  • [be baptized;receive baptism] 接受洗礼成为基督教徒

受洗[shòu xǐ]
  1. 愿她受洗成为基督的肢体。

    Pray for her to be baptized into the body of Christ .

  2. 但是你觉得这孩子需要受洗吗?

    But do you thinkthe baby has to be baptized ?

  3. 你的孩子都受洗了吗?

    Did you have your children christened ?

  4. 这孩子受洗时取名玛丽。

    The child was christened Mary .

  5. 她受洗时取名为玛丽。

    She was baptized Mary .

  6. 墨西哥人至少有9/10是受洗的天主教徒。

    At least nine out of ten Mexicans are baptised Catholics .

  7. 我想你母亲受洗成了天主教徒。

    I think your mother was baptized a Catholic .

  8. 她3月出生,6月受洗。

    She was born in March and christened in June

  9. 她受洗时取名苏珊。

    She was christened Susan .

  10. 好,我现在请真正喜爱自己儿子的母亲先把儿子带到我这来为他受洗。

    Now , I 'm asking the first mother who really loves her son to bring him to me for baptism .

  11. 但是到了十七世纪的英国,教会把庆祝“莉雅”女神的节日改为表达对耶稣之母马利亚的崇敬,订四旬斋的第四个星期日为MotheringSunday。甚至后来人们加入教会的受洗仪式都订在母亲节这一天。

    During the 1600 's , England celebrated a day called " Mothering Sunday , " celebrated on the 4th Sunday of Lent .

  12. 然后我就这样在受洗盆上抱着孩子。

    Then I held my child like this over the basin .

  13. 我们这受洗归入基督耶稣的人是受洗归入他的死。

    We have been buried with Christ by baptism into death .

  14. 当我受洗的时候,我十四岁。

    When I was baptized , I was fourteen years old .

  15. 耶稣在受洗之后,父神岂不是对他说:「你是我的爱子」吗?

    The Father 's words were'This is my beloved Son ' .

  16. 吸血鬼以血为她受洗。

    The vampire 's baptized her with his own blood .

  17. 洗礼的本身并不能使人重生,或使受洗礼者与基督联合。

    Baptism does not itself regenerate or necessarily unite the baptized to Christ .

  18. 昨天她还建议我举行婚礼前最后受洗。

    Yesterday she even adviced me to take the baptism before our wedding .

  19. 若死人总不复活,因何为他们受洗呢。

    Why are they then baptized for the dead ?

  20. 婴孩也应该受洗的理由是什么?

    What are the reasons that babies , too , should be baptized ?

  21. 承认受洗的人完全加入宗教的圣礼。

    A sacrament admitting a baptized person to full participation in the church .

  22. 15免得有人说,你们是奉我的名受洗。

    Lest any should say that I had baptized in mine own name .

  23. 每个基督徒受洗的权利不辜负这个标准。

    Every Christian by baptismal right has to live up to this standard .

  24. 约翰的受洗日7月10日。

    John 's name day is July 10th .

  25. 都在云里海里受洗归了摩西。

    And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea ;

  26. 许多人带子女来受洗。

    Many people brought their children for baptism .

  27. 为什么有些教会不给婴孩受洗?

    Why do some churches not baptize infants ?

  28. 凡拒绝受洗和受洗后反悔的都以死刑论罪。

    To refuse baptism and to retract after baptism were crimes punishable by death .

  29. 看看它说的,只有受洗的基督徒才能吃圣餐。

    Notice it says the Eucharist is to be restricted to only baptized Christians .

  30. 当彼得讲道的时候,很多人都相信了耶稣,并受洗。

    As Peter preached , many believed on the Lord Jesus and then were baptized .