
fā dá
  • flourishing;prosperous;advance;gain fame and fortune;develop;come of age
发达 [fā dá]
  • (1) [advance;flourishing]∶[事物] 充分发展、兴盛

  • 错把工业的发达当作精神的丰富

  • (2) [gain fame and fortune]∶旧指人发迹

  • (3) [develop]∶使充分发展

  • 发达经济

  • [developed;flourishing] [事物]已充分发展,各方面先进

  • 发达国家

发达[fā dá]
  1. 海豚已经进化形成高度发达的下颌。

    The dolphin has evolved a highly developed jaw .

  2. 发达国家中普通公民每年的用纸量超过155公斤。

    The average citizen in the developed world uses over 155kg of paper per year .

  3. 在目前的经济气候下,很少有企业兴旺发达。

    Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate .

  4. 这座城市乘坐公共汽车很方便,与干线公路的联接也很发达。

    The town is well served with buses and major road links .

  5. 公司又度过了一个兴旺发达之年。

    The company has had another successful year .

  6. 他身高体宽,肌肉发达。

    He is tall , broad and muscular .

  7. 发达国家全都从他们的帝国主义剥削中获益。

    The developed nations have all benefited from their imperialist exploitation .

  8. 他肌肉发达,但是太胖了,没给人留下好印象。

    He was well-built , but too fleshy to be impressive .

  9. 像大多女运动员一样,她清瘦但肌肉发达。

    Like most female athletes , she was lean and muscular .

  10. 在法国,欠发达的农村地区说方言。

    In France patois was spoken in rural , less developed regions .

  11. 乌克兰的工业和农业都很发达。

    The Ukraine is strong both in industry and agriculture .

  12. 他腹肌发达,体型完美。

    He has a six-pack stomach and is extremely well-proportioned .

  13. 保持肌肉强壮发达有利于预防背部疾病。

    Keeping your muscles strong and in tone helps you to avoid back problems

  14. 应该通过提供现代技术来帮助不发达国家。

    Underdeveloped countries should be assisted by allowing them access to modern technology .

  15. 他身材高大,肌肉发达,一双眼睛冷漠无情。

    He was big and brawny with soulless eyes .

  16. 这一匮乏在欠发达国家不可避免。

    This scarcity is inevitable in less developed countries .

  17. 他的理论对很多欠发达经济体都不适用。

    His theory was inapplicable to many underdeveloped economies .

  18. 在多数发达国家,心脏病是导致人们死亡的头号杀手。

    Heart disease is the biggest killer of men in most developed countries .

  19. 受害最深的将是不发达国家,尤其是非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南地区。

    The big losers will be the undeveloped countries , especially sub-Saharan Africa .

  20. 他的照片被移花接木,放在了一个肌肉发达的身体上。

    His picture was superimposed on a muscular body

  21. 更经济的节能技术在发达国家已经投入使用。

    Cheaper energy conservation techniques have been put into operation in the developed world .

  22. 马来西亚已成为对北方发达国家环保态度最严厉的批评者。

    Malaysia has emerged as the toughest critic of the North 's environmental attitudes .

  23. 银行业未来是否会兴旺发达根本无法预测。

    There 's no way to predict the future health of the banking industry .

  24. 他身高6英尺3英寸,肌肉发达。

    He is 6ft 3ins with bulging muscles .

  25. 发达国家必须认识到世界范围内的贫富差距正在不断扩大。

    The developed nations have to recognize the growing gap between rich and poor around the world

  26. 在发达国家中,英国的旅游行业雇员报酬最低。

    Travel and tourism employees in the UK are among the worst paid in the developed world

  27. 世界若要想避免环境灾难,经济发达的国家必须进行深刻变革。

    If the world is to avoid environmental catastrophe , advanced economies must undergo a profound transition .

  28. 他说,发达国家有责任促进全球经济增长,以帮助新兴民主国家。

    He said that developed countries had a responsibility to foster global economic growth to help new democracies

  29. 在发达的混合经济体中,充足的房源供给是可能的,在那里贫困阶层的利益较有保障。

    Adequate housing is possible in developed , mixed economies wherein the interests of the poor have prevailed .

  30. 在现代发达社会中,作为社会和政治媒介,大众传媒被赋予了很大的权力。

    The mass media have been vested with significant power as social and political agents in modern developed societies